Created Woman

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Finding Your Passion & Purpose for Your Life: It's Between You & God

I have always had a love for fitness. As a little girl, I dressed up each weekend in my leotards and did “aerobics” on Saturday morning with the Jane Fonda cassette tapes in my juke box. Yes, that is a true story. I grew up and earned a degree in Kinesiology and began to teach, lead, and eventually manage people in the health and fitness industry.

Fitness was just a part of me. It was what I loved. And even though Jesus was a part of me and I grew closer to Him as an adult, I still viewed my fitness career and relationship with Christ separate. I had a heart not just for teaching others to be fit, but for women to be well mentally and emotionally, yet I still kept my passion for my career and my purpose for Christ in two different boxes.

Years later, as my passion for women's health grew, I realized what I was doing and teaching was all wrong. Yes, I loved fitness, but my heart was to help women be fit, not just on the outside but on the inside too. I enjoyed leading Bible studies and helping women grow in Christ, but I still had two different worlds.

It wasn’t until I started my own business as a Women’s Wellness Coach that God showed me through His word that His purpose for me in life is to share the Gospel with others and with the gifts and talents He created in me.

Jesus gave us two distinct commands we are to follow as believers.

Matthew 4:19: “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”

Matthew 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them observe all that I have commanded you and I am with you always.”  

It is clear that our first purpose as a believer in Christ is “fish for new believers, and make disciplines and teach them about Christ.”

We then learn in Romans 12 that as believer we have all been given a gift such as serving, teaching, encouraging, mercy, leading, etc.

As I began to understand what God called me to do and understand the gifts and talents He created in me, I realized they were not to be used separately, but together to lead others closer to Christ. I was to use my dreams and talents as a venue to help women, not just get fit on the outside, but to share with them how to get healthy on the inside by having a relationship with Christ and knowing their true identity and life purpose.

As I sought the Lord more to know how He wanted me to help women grow healthy on the inside and out, it became clear I was to expand my coaching and pursue becoming a Life Purpose Coach. I had a heart to help other women discover how God wants to use their gifts, talents, and dreams to share the gospel and fulfill what God created them to do. Honestly, it was a dream in my heart for many years before I took the step of faith to branch out and surrender it all to Christ.  

I believe that being truly fit is more than just how fast we can run, how much weight we can lift, or what we look like. It is about being fit on the inside by knowing our identity in Christ and fulfilling what He created us to do.

My heart now is to coach women on how to discover their unique gifts and talents to fulfill God’s plan in their life and discover how to overcome the obstacles that block them from living it out. Our gifts are not separate from our relationship and calling from Christ. We have a responsibility.

What about you? Are you healthy on the inside and out? Are you ready to do what God is calling you to do? He has something specific that only you can do.

Style Speaks IV


Join the Party! Style Speaks IV is all about YOU! Spend the afternoon being pampered, empowered and shopping local pop-up shops and salons. #IamCreatedWoman

2.18.17 || 4:00pm - 7:00pm || Venue: 800 Congress || $35

1st hour, Beauty & Bubbles
2nd hour,Power & Purpose
3rd hour, Fashion & Philanthropy

Click HERE for tickets & more details