Created Woman

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My Dream Lies Within Your Dream

I almost did the ugly cry right in front of 100 people! I was on the edge of a complete emotional breakdown, and I knew if I let it go, it would be ugly, uncomfortable and messy!

As I stood on the stage feeling like I was the only one in the room, I felt the wave of tears come over me and a huge lump filled my throat. I took a deep breath, turned around and locked eyes with a stranger who smiled sweetly back at me. Thank God she had no clue what was going on in my mind, because if she did, together we would have been an emotional wreck right there on the stage.

Finally, I slowly turned back towards the crowd, took another deep breath and continued to watch the video of women sharing their story. With each new face that appeared on the screen, the words they spoke still linger deep within my soul….

“My name is _____ and I am Created Woman.”

Those words - they are powerful.

Those faces - they are beautiful.

Together, they are my ‘Why.’

As the video faded to black, I stumbled through some words over the microphone. God only knows what I said! Within seconds, music began to pump through the air, the back door swung open, and I announced for the very first time:

“Introducing the new Created Woman Clothing Collection.”

Three beautiful models - friends really - entered the room and walked proudly down the aisle of people who clapped and cheered and in my mind, it was all happening in slow motion. I can still remember the smiles, cheers and sea of people who excitedly watched each girl sashay by who were clothed in 10 plus years of a dream that I was finally seeing come true.

Slowly, each made their way to the stage and stood right beside me. It was a moment; a moment in time that stood still, at least in my mind. One that I won’t forget, and I hope everyone in the room won’t either; even you. It’s hard to sum up why I was so emotional, but I’m going to give it a shot.

The moment I had at Style Speaks V when I introduced the clothing line was about more than just releasing our very first clothing collection. That, in itself is a dream come true for me who, as a little girl, dreamed of all things - fashion. But, that day in reality was when a dream within a dream came true.

Because my dream lies within your dream.

It’s bigger than me. It’s bigger than you, too.

The dream of creating a collection of clothes is not about having our own brand, signing my name or checking off a goal. But, it’s a means to an end – a way to help you and women just like you everywhere discover your dreams and God-given purpose becoming the women and leader God created you to be.

With each and every purchase of the collection, proceeds go towards programs, events, mentorship and resources that help woman be empowered, trained and released back into their community as the leader we all are.

It’s how Style Speaks.

You see, we believe every woman is born on purpose and for a purpose, and it’s our mission to help women discover their dream, their God-given purpose, learn how to run their race well and show up as Ambassadors of Christ. Because we believe in HER!

Without Created Woman chasing after our dream of building a leadership ministry, who are we leaving behind?

That’s why our dream lies within your dream. One affects the other. When God tells you to go, it’s not just about dream, but about your purpose and legacy for generations to come.

So we are going.

SHE is why I pressed on for 10 years after hearing so many ‘No’s’ that came through failure, mistakes, people leaving or telling me “It’s not going to work.”

When you hear the words, “Your business failed,” you have to be strong and remember your why. Otherwise, you will sit and sulk and watch life pass you by. I want to be a participator of what God has for me, so I make sure to keep my why in front of me.

What’s your why?

This is Created Woman’s why…watch!

Video by Life in Films Studio


Follow The Journey:

As Created Women, we are called to create for the good of others. The CW Collection is designed to reach her, fund her and empower HER to become the woman she is created to be. Follow the journey as we create the first CW capsule wardrobe and get updates along the way. Click Here




As I presented my dream within a dream for the first time, my daughter, Hope, jumped on and off the stage like she owned the place. As I look at that picture I think, “She’s learning early that she, too, was born on purpose and for a purpose.”

“Hope is Created Woman!”


Heather Frierson