Created Woman

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But What If We Can Do It All?

But What If We Can Do It All?

If He Called You To It, He’ll Equip You Through It.

A few months ago, I wrote a blog where I talked about how meek I was growing up. Well, let’s be honest – I didn’t really have to be bold. I had a big sister that was bold for me. You can bet your bottom dollar nobody messed me with me because they knew who had my back. And even though I finally found my voice, she still has my back – both of my sisters do. 

            One particular instance that I think about quite often is the time another mom/wife looked at me – kind of disgusted – and said, “You mean you don’t have to work, but you choose to? You could stay home with your kids, and you don’t?” Big sister was quick to jump in and say I work because I love to. I work because it’s my ministry. 

            I said all of that to say this – why can’t we do it all? Why can’t we work, and wife, and mom, and minister, and have friends, and hobbies, and passions, and just everything?! I think we can. In fact, I know that we can. We can because we have a God that equips and empowers us to do anything that He calls us to do. He also gave us a pretty good tribe to call on when we need a little help from our friends.

            We’ve all heard about the Proverbs 31 woman. She’s hard-working and strong. She loves with her whole heart. She’s gonna do whatever it takes to get the job done. And guess what? We can be that woman. It doesn’t matter what your purpose is: stay at home mom, working mom, dog mom, boy mom, girl mom, aunt, or student. If you are striving (for God’s purpose) then you are thriving. 

Dear Created Woman, In the words of our Founder Mrs. Heather Frierson, “Get out of the box!” You can do it all! And by all, I mean all that God has called YOU specifically to do. You were created for specific purpose(s), and my God will equip you and empower you every single step of the way!

            P.S. Don’t judge another woman’s purpose. We don’t know God’s plan, but you can bet your bottom dollar that it’s a good one. 


1.     Are you currently struggling with knowing your purpose?

2.     Do your plans align with God’s plans for your life?

3.     Where are you at in the Created Woman process?


What are three goals relating to the purpose and plan that God has placed on your heart that you can implement this week?

“She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” Proverbs 31:27


Daisy Marino

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