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How to Stay Healthy During COVID -19

We Can do this one thing every day as an act of worship

My schedule has changed.  The expectations of me at home and work have been altered.  My mind and attention need to be more in tune with world news than normal.  Except for the occasional video meetings for work, I have been given a free ticket to stay in PJ's all day. Although it seems tempting, I still pressure to make the most of this time, but what is the wisest things to do?

I knew very early in this quarantined time that I must be intentional and use my time wisely to take care of my physical and mental health.  I decided for "most days" I would get "somewhat" dressed and exercise daily outdoors.  I have always enjoyed exercising outdoors, but during this time I have gained much more. The Lord has honored these sacrifices and opened my heart to genuine peace through them.

It's been nice to see so many neighbors enjoying the simple things of life, like playing with their kids, riding bikes and walking (while keeping our social distancing, of course).   I have had time to reflect upon God's beauty while gazing at blue skies, listening to birds chirping and noticing the sweet smell of someone cooking bacon and fresh flowers.   The conversations that have taken place with my husband and kids while exercising together has improved my social and emotional health as much as my physical.

It has been tempting to sit all day on the news and social media, and I have done so more than normal.  However, choosing one or two days a week to eliminate news and social media gives me time to focus more on my spiritual and mental health and spend more time in God's word.  I have been choosy as to who and what I will listen to on Social Media, asking myself, “does it encourage me in God's word?”  If not, it is probably not good for my spiritual and mental health.  

Despite everything that has been going on over the past couple of months regarding our country's health crisis, I believe that God is giving us time to demonstrate how we can take care of our body, soul and mind if we are obedient to listen.   I have learned that I can do my part to take care of my body, to the best of my ability, with the resources that are available. I can control what I put into my mind and make good choices with the time God has given me to grow closer to Him.  In fact, God considers this an act of worship. Romans 12:1 says,  “Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, this is your spiritual act of worship.”

I pray there are some aspects of our old life that don't return, and we remember that in everything we do, we can use our time wisely to honor God with our body, soul and mind.


  1. How could you use your everyday life to honor God physically and mentally with your time

  2. What has God been showing you about your health during this season of life?

  3. What might need to change in your everyday life to offer your body as a living sacrifice?


Name three things you will do to improve your health physically, mentally and spiritually.

Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, this is your spiritual act of worship (Romans 12:1 NIV)

Crystal Breaux

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