Created Woman

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Pinterest Fashion

Hi sweet friend, have you been on Pinterest lately? Girl, I know I have gone on Pinterest before an event or special gathering to look up styles and for some direction on what to wear. I also use Pinterest for healthy recipes, cute decorations, fun games, quotes…everything! 

But also, too much of it can be too much, you know? In Corinthians 6:20, it says “You were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” To me that means to honor God through taking care of my body with diet and exercise as well as showing up well with style and fashion. In a way, it can be an intersection of faith and fashion. Through fashion, we women can show glory to God by showing up as our best selves and doing it well. Of course, there will be days where a top knot bun and leggings will be the go-to errands attire and that’s okay too. By being a little more intentional about what we wear can show God that we honor Him. 

You and I do not have to be the Pinterest board dressed from head to toe to glorify God. We also don’t have to be completely put together, hair done, makeup done, nice outfit and nice shoes, all the time everywhere we go. Most important is that we reflect our true self when we dress and intentionally show up wherever we go as our authentic selves, the way God created us to be. 

Some ways to honor God through your fashion includes: Having investment pieces in your wardrobe (little black dress, formal gown, nice jackets, hats, jewelry, great pairs of shoes, statement purses), wearing your favorite lip color, styling your hair the way you like it, or wearing a pop of color if that reflects your personality.

Carrying God in your heart wherever you go, is the best fashion tip I have to give!




Dear Lord,

I pray that you show your daughter your love for her. Show her how much you care for, value, and want the best for her. Reveal to her how you see her and that she may show up her best every day. Give her the resources she needs to express her true self through style and fashion for your glory.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  1. Which promise of God do you like about clothing and or fashion?  

  2. In what ways do fashion and faith intertwine in your life?

  3. What way can you honor God through your fashion?


Now that you’ve reflected on your fashion and gained some clarity, what are three steps you will take to work on your fashion?

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. (Proverbs 31:30 NIV)


You shall have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:3 NIV)


You were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies. (1 Corinthians 6:20 NIV)

Minera Adame

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