Created Woman

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The Counselor Says...

Does Christianity Guarantee a Blessed Life?

Hey girl, yours truly here...a National Certified Counselor, Licensed Professional Counselor Associate andSchool turns out I do NOT know everythingI thought I would by now. WHAT!? I know, several years of graduate school studying all the mental health disorders in the human psyche and you heard it here first... I still have a lot to learn and that’s ok. I titled this “A Counselor Says...”for a reason. I don’t know about you but I’m always looking to improve so I definitely want to know what a counselor is saying. They MUST all know the answers of how to help anyone and everyone right?Here’s a secret for you: We don’t. We are constantly learning along with all of our clients. However, our superpower is that we DO know how to form relationships.That being said, I’ll tell you a little about my experience of how I believe counseling and our identity in Christ are linked.

When I was in grad school my favorite and probably most important thing I learned about counseling was how to develop the relationship with your client. I learned that there are 3 things necessary for this to happen: 1. Unconditional Positive Regard

2. Empathy

3. Reflection of Feeling and Content

For example, if a client comes into counseling and states that they are having a hard time with self-worth, we express genuinely how difficult it must be to struggle with that and reflect back their self-worth journey while being with them emotionally in every moment. Easier said than done. It’s not all about the content or the solutions being shared, it’s even more about the comfort you feel and the relationship you have with your counselor. If anything about your relationship with your counselor is off, you can forget about getting anywhere. I went through 5 different counselors before I found mine(yes, it’s an unspoken requirement for a counselor to have their own)so I know what it feels when you get that magic spot of finding one you trust completely. I have a faith-based counselor and we talk often about my where my worth and identity comes from which is what the ultimate Counselor has to say. Who’s the ultimate Counselor you ask? God.

I think it is human to look for answers every where that help us define who we are. We ask questions: How will I heal, grow and be who I want to be? I know I’ve sat in the chair as a client and wanted my counselor to help me explore all of these areas. What I have found in therapy is that anyone in a helping profession has tremendous value and definitely a place in this world. However, without a foundation of Christ it’s impossible to go on the journey. It’s through our relationship with God as a loving, gracious father that we can even go on the journey at all.We can go talk to a counselor all day long about what has been plaguing us but if it’s not pointing you back to Jesus then I would encourage you to rethink your approach. The ultimate Counselor is God and there’s no more important relationship than the one you have with Him. Anytime I am questioning my identity and where my worth comes from I remember it comes from the ultimate Counselor. Having a relationship with Him and remembering his word and knowing that earthly counseling is here to guide us, the ultimate Counselor gives us truth.

  1. How does God, the ultimate Counselor, give guidance in your life?

  2. How can you define your identity according to God’s word?

  3. What scripture can you meditate on?

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6 NKJV

Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
Proverbs 11:14 NKJV


Mae Grant

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