Created Woman

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In the same way that seasons change, sometimes the way we women take care of our health changes as well. Here at Created Woman each year, volunteer staff sign a contract to serve for a 14month period. If for any reason, (usually to move on to launching their dreams) they choose not to continue for the next year, it is during the renew and refresh season is when they inform the rest of Created Woman team. 

            In the same way that we at Created Woman can hit refresh once a year, all women can periodically reflect and take inventory of needed change. Assess your life and health and see what areas can be improved. At different times you may have different health focuses; physical, spiritual, or emotional. 

Throughout the bible, there are scriptures that reference our health and that God wants us all to take good care of our temples. One way to take care of our physical temples is by being intentional about taking care of it. You can do this through eating healthy, exercising regularly, drinking more water; or getting adequate sleep. 

Sometimes we need to take care of our spiritual health by spending more quality time with God. Speak with him daily, read His word, worship Him, praise Him, be in community with other believers, show His love to others, and have a prayer and fasting lifestyle.

Our emotional health is important as well and some ways to nurture it are to address any concerns or questions with licensed professionals, set healthy boundaries, journal regularly, reframe old ways of thinking and engage in self-care daily. 

Whichever area of health you focus on, know that at any time, you can press refresh. 


Dear Lord,

Thank you for your beautiful daughter. Thank you for her good health and for taking care of her. If she is dealing with any health concerns, give her peace and heal her. Please give her the tools, resources, and relationships that will flourish her, her life and her health. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1.     Where might you tend to indulge too much either in a healthy or unhealthy way?

2.     Is there an area of your life that consumes your mind and takes time away from God?

3.     What might you need to do to move toward a healthier life so that you are ready and capable to fulfill God's purpose in your life?


Goal Setting & Sharing

What are three goals you can set based on today's devotion to begin taking care of your body in a way that brings honor to God?

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies. (1 Peter 2:9 NIV)


Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. (3 John 1:2 NIV)

Minerva Adame

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