Created Woman

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But on that day

Easter weekend was a beautiful one and we fully took advantage of how glorious it really was allowing the sunshine and cool, crisp air to grace our skin as much as possible. The best part was, I didn’t cook at all! We stuffed our bellies with local Austin cuisine all weekend. The girls loved every minute of it…and of course mama did as well! From shopping at Austin’s largest candy shop to Easter egg hunting with cousins, it was a memorable weekend that will be etched in my mind for years to come.

When Sunday morning arrived, like many American homes, the Easter bunny left some fun arts and crafts and of course even more candy that suddenly became breakfast for my 4-year-old. Then, dressed in matching hot pink dresses, the girls skipped off to Sunday school class as Hoit and I went to “Big Church.” As the service wrapped, we sang one of my favorite songs by Bethel, For The Cross, that has a dramatic build right in the middle that I just love and usually belt out like a superstar when it comes on the radio. But this time, I had a thought that made me sit down, pull out my phone, and take notes.

On the dramatic build, the song reads:

“But on that day

What seemed as the darkest hour

A violent hope

Broke through and shook the ground

And as You rose

The Light of the world was magnified

And you rose in victory.”

What kept ringing in my ear was that first line, “But on that day.” It’s powerful. That word, “But.” It doesn’t say “If” or “When” or “Maybe.” It says, “But on that day.”

Something significant, holy, transforming happened on THAT DAY. Not someday or one day, but THAT DAY. My mind wondered to women all around the globe and as I pulled out my phone these thoughts came to mind:

THAT DAY when I said yes to my “Go.”

THAT DAY when my “Go” became so routine that I was no longer effective.

After pondering, I wrote down another thought:

Do not neglect your gifts and talents which is backed up by the scripture in 1 Timothy 4:14,

“Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you.”

So what does all my rambling and note taking mean? (Time to take your journals out!)

On THAT DAY, Jesus died for our sins and set us free. We are free to live and choose which way to live. He created us with a purpose and we have to choose day in and day out to live out that purpose.

We have to choose one day. Maybe this is day. Maybe you already have and your testimony is about THAT DAY you chose.

THAT DAY you chose life.

THAT DAY you chose to say yes to your “Go.”

THAT DAY that changed the trajectory of your life.

THAT DAY is powerful. Because without, But On That Day, nothing changes. There’s no freedom, no life, love or living God if not for BUT ON THAT DAY.

That day when Jesus died on the cross, he released everyone to live freely and with it freely gave gifts and talents to all of us. Have we neglected them and therefore, forgot why He died on the cross? Have we buried our gifts? Do you remember THAT DAY you stopped, ignored or pushed down who you were created to be?

Have you arrived at THAT DAY when your “Go” has become so routine and easy that you are no longer effective? AHHHH! That’s when our heads should raise!

THAT DAY when you realize, my yes, my purpose, my effectiveness, my “Go” has become stale. I’m good, not better. I may be successful, but I’m not effective anymore. I no longer need God because I got it; I understand what I’m supposed to do now.

THAT DAY. Powerful words that have so many different meanings.

THAT DAY when Jesus died on the cross.

THAT DAY when I said yes to Jesus.

THAT DAY when I said yes to my “Go.”

THAT DAY when I stopped being routine.

THAT DAY when I let everything go and gave my gifts, talents, and purpose to the Lord.

THAT DAY that marked the beginning.

What’s your THAT DAY?

So, as you can tell this isn’t quite the same journal entry as usual but thoughts I’ve been pondering. We wait so often for THAT DAY to come that often THAT DAY becomes one day, someday. But Jesus already had THAT DAY so you can have it today.

My prayer for you and for me is that we live in a way that honors THAT DAY so long ago. We don’t hide our gifts and talents, wait for our “Go” to find us, or sit on the side lines and watch others honor that day and take hold of their purpose. Instead, we get up today and change our stride so that we can say to all who can hear;

THAT DAY when I said yes.


#10 Not Bigger, but Better; Not Sucessful, but Effective
#9  I confess….I yelled at God over coffee
#8  Because God Said “Go” What’s Your Go?
#7  Why?…Because Women Are Trapped
#6  Living Abandoned Is Hard
#5  I’m Going To School and Doing Things Differently 
#4  It’s Kind Of A Big Deal
#3  It Is Well With My Soul
#2  Fancy Writing & Gold Letters
#1  What Was It All For?