Created Woman

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Purpose: What are we made of?

Purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

You are made with a purpose. A lot of us know this. But along with that, a lot of us either don't understand what that purpose is or we haven't fully grasped the effect it can have on ourselves and others, also serving a purpose. 

Our purpose - the one that was created within the depths of our being - is unique and unequivocal to anyone else. God created us all with a purpose that He specifically designed just for us.

Just for us.

He commissioned each of us to “go” into the world and make disciples using the gifts and talents that He graciously entrusted within us.

He didn't say hide behind your gifts and talents or compare them to your best friend. Your gifts and talents. 

Yes, you have them. And don't sell yourself short. 

Sometimes we settle for a life that is less than beautiful because we think beauty is far away, or it's too difficult or it's out of our reach. We want so desperately to find that purpose, the gifts and talents we think we may or may not have. (And yes, you have them.)

There are a lot of voices in the world. Things pull for our attention. People fight for our attention. Even our own emotions can be loud and relentless singing "that's a brilliant idea" or "you're an awful mom."

Who or what are you are listening to? Are the voices that have your attention the ones that you should be listening to? Are we listening to God right now? Or are we searching for a place in this world with only our needs in mind?

Purpose is found in obedience not in the reward. It’s sometimes hard to hear God when our ears are tuned to things that don’t deserve a moment of our time. We are selfish in searching for the kind of purpose that will gain extra likes on Facebook and more followers on our blog instead of listening to the still small voice of what words should be written on our website. The blog post might not go viral but it could change a life. 

God trusted me and you to use our purpose well. Most people wander through life unaware of their purpose blindly following the whims of the world. Listen to your life, the one God has been a part of all along. What is it telling you? It'll guide you to what you're meant to do with your gifts, your passions and your abilities. Trust and don't discount them and what you may think is the impossible.

God loves the impossible. We can't be so quick to limit ourselves, deciding who we are and what we are and are not capable of. Believe in your gifts and talents and the woman God created you to be.

Natalya White


Style Speaks V: Dare to Dream
Interactive Faith & Fashion Conference


Presented by Created Woman & Events Unleashed

Dare to to pursue your dreams, live faithfully and overcome your fears at every stage of life at Style Speaks V: Dare to Dream fashion show and interactive conference. 

Entrepreneurs, dreamers, philanthropist & fashionistas, will come together for a day packed with power lounge session featuring speakers from every generation sharing tools and life experiences on how to step out of your comfort zone, dream big, and give back.

Tickets $25