Created Woman

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Check your priorities

When blogging, I tend to be the most inspired when writing blogs about myself. It’s just how it goes. It may seem like I am dosing out sage advice to all of the CW readers, but in reality, my topics tend to be more about the things that I need to work on. And so, this month is no different. I have had a lot of big life changes come my way in the past few months. I’ve gotten married, I bought a home, moved into said home, and I will probably be unpacking for what feels like the next year. I’ve done this all this while still running my business, seeing patients, and taking courses in continued education. Life feels a little out of control at times and I’m just riding the wave hoping not to drown!

I used to have what I call my “war plan” for each day and week. I would tackle each thing on my to do list and go to bed knowing I did my best at creating the life I want. Well…. some times life gets a little crazy and our perfectly laid out plans go down the toilet. We end up spending our days putting out fires rather than really moving forward in the areas of our life where our priorities lie. Pastor and author Andy Stanley said, “We don’t drift in good directions. We discipline and prioritize ourselves there.” For me, it feels like I’m stuck, maybe even moving backwards in some areas but definitely not moving forward. When we stay in this space for too long, we wake up one day and say “What happened to me?!” I am at a point where I need to assess where I am depositing my time and energy. I don’t have ALL of the answers, however, I have been in this place before, and I know how to take the first steps to getting my life back on track and me back in the driver’s seat. 

If you can relate to anything I wrote, take a moment with me and reflect. Yes, REFLECT! Too many of us are actually showing the world where our priorities are, but we have never actually consciously chosen those priorities. The priorities you choose will direct your future so choose carefully. Now have a moment of truth with yourself. Have you been living out your priorities? Do your actions, time spent, and finances reflect what you say is important to you? It is said that your priorities are not what you say they are, they are what you actually do. I have said to many people, look at your bank account and that will show you what you prioritize. If you say your health is a priority but you spend your entire budget going out to eat (and say that it’s too expensive to buy organic and cook at home), your priorities do not align. If you say your priority is with your relationship with God, but you don’t schedule any of your time to spend in His Word, in His presence, or in worship of Him, then your priorities do not align.  When your life and actions don’t match up with what you value, you create incongruences. Once you have reflected, now make a plan for tomorrow, for this week, for next month, and wake up and take action in congruence with the priorities that you choose for your life. Ready, set, GO!

Kelsie Keen




GATHER HER || 10.12.17

TOPIC: Fashion & Healing. Tragedy to Triumph, the story of Grace & Lace

SPEAKER: Melissa Hinnant, founder & designer of Grace & Lace

Enjoy an evening with women just like you who want to explore their faith and love all things fashion!


Melissa Hinnant founder of Grace & Lace

Fashion Partner: Grace & Lace

~ Food: Catered by Aycia Tandy
~ Bar is available for purchase. 
~ Raffle items! $3/ticket or 6 for $15

...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.