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I Have a Word for the New Year. Do You?

As a Wellness and Life Purpose Coach, I lead others on how to set specific goals, which I love to do with a completed check list. :-)  However, I have always struggled with the idea of setting New Year's Resolutions.  I think it is because I have seen so many good intentions end by the second month of the New Year.  Either they were too unrealistic or nothing more than a dream without any direction.

A few years ago, my husband and I started our New Year with a different perspective.  Instead of writing long goals, we decided we would adopt a word that would describe and dictate our actions for the year.  We have not broken our love for goals with deadlines; (yes, it is a sickness) they just may not be set at the beginning of the year. 

My word for the year was ACTION, and let me share why. I can get stuck praying for something that God has already directed.  I can rationalize why I should not do anything and continue to sit.  Let me say that I do believe there are times when we are to sit and seek God for His perfect timing.  However, I knew that fear or selfishness could sometimes be the reason I just sat in my cozy chair and prayed with no ACTION.  I needed to be obedient, and it was time for me "to do." 

James 1:22 says: (NIV) "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." 

It was time for me “to do" as James says and it became my verse for the year.  My thoughts with good intentions in the past were needed to become action.  Here are a few:

·      Thoughts: I should call her and pray with her.....ACTION  - pick up the phone and call

·      Thoughts: I should do that.....ACTION - make phone call or send an email to volunteer

·      Thoughts : We should have lunch ssometime....ACTION - text with an invitation

·      Thoughts: My kids have been asking to do...ACTION - just do it

·      Thoughts: When I have time, I will help....ACTION - make the time

Some of them may seem trivial, but many times I realized that one small action led to purposeful conversation and encouragement that day either for me or for someone else.  Sometimes it is the “BIG Things we are waiting for, and all we need to do is take Action with the little things.

On side note to show you the power of one word - a favorite for me of my husband's was the year he chose the word "complete."  Ahhh.... the honey do list never looked so good. 

So, I have my word for the year.  My prayer is that the fruit of the word that will direct my path will be evident to those around.

What is your word for the year?

Crystal Breaux


Entrepreneurs, Dreamers, Doers & Fashionistas!

Kick off 2018 with clear vision for who God created you to be by joining us at Gather Her with special guest speaker, Deanna Opheim.



CW Family member & Gather Her coordinator, Deanna, will be sharing her personal story of how she has discovered her purpose and God's unique plan for her life through many twists and turns. You just thought you knew Deanna! Save the date & kick off 2018 with your CW Tribe!