Created Woman

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What 80’s movie describes your life?

I got to face it- I am Daniel LaRusso. I identify with the Karate Kid who still rode a Huffy bike at sixteen, got his butt kicked when he started a new season in his life, and tried to woo the most popular girl in school while wearing high-water pants and telling dad jokes. After finding a Jedi Master to guide him to ninja status, what does he get? Well, initially, more butt-kickings, ridicule, and a lot of confusion about exactly how waxing a car and painting a fence will make him popular. 

We all know how it ends- boy overcomes odds, dorky pants, a cryptic sensei, then earns the respect of all and the heart of The Girl. How did this happen? Like all good 80’s movies, with a dose of hard work, a revelation of self, and finding a sense of purpose in the confusion of teen angst. 

Thanks to family movies and their biblical archetypes, we can sort of figure some stuff out on our own. First, we need hard work. Then, knowing what is true and right from what is false and evil. These things invariably lead us to a deeper understanding our identity and place in the world. Finally, our purpose is revealed, and we can bear out our dreams holding fast to our principles. 

These are the core principles for Created Woman, too. First, healing. Then, knowing our identity, increasing our mental, physical and spiritual health, finding our purpose, and exploring dreams. Then we can develop the outward to reflect the inward. Fashion is the fun and creative outlet Created Woman focuses on as one way to celebrate the confident woman. True confidence, without fear of the world, only comes when these other milestones have been met.

The world, however, is not an 80’s movie. It’s messy, exhausting, full of trial and grief. There is no easy beginning, middle, and end where you can affirm that you have made it to the All-Valley Championship and you will win because you have learned your lessons well. Sometimes, it’s a pin-ball game, where you find yourself starting over and revisiting old and tiresome scenarios and emotions you’d thought were behind you. Sometimes, the All-Valley Championship is a painful memory of failure filled with the S-word... Shame. Other times, you find yourself tediously painting the metaphoric fence, wondering what it all means, and if this is really helping at all. 

If you find yourself losing hope in the midst of becoming the woman you were created to be... welcome! Every woman has been a member of this club at some point or another. There is no direct road, multi-step process, or sure-fire way to achieve your goals. There is, however, a God who directs your paths and works all things together for your good despite your mis-steps (Prov. 3:6, Rom. 2:8). He has never been good at following our rules or suggestions, but He is 100% committed to backing up our purpose with action and supernatural intervention (Phil. 1:6). He delights in our contribution to the journey we are on with Him, loves the creative (if sometimes erroneous) ways we seek to find what He has for us. He relishes this adventure with us, weeps with us in our struggles, and rejoices in our victories. Though your path may look like a ping-pong game, seeking Him and His ways will assuredly result in becoming the confident Created Woman He designed you to be. 


Personal reflection:

  1. Are there goals or desires you have given up on, or don’t seem possible? 


2. Read Proverbs 31:10-31 in The Passion Translation, available here:

Can you believe this is Christ’s plan for you, His bride? Why or why not?


3. What are the core areas you need to focus on most in your current season of life (healing, identity, health, purpose, dreams, inwardly confident fashionista)? 

Heather Bise

Her Story Video: I am Created Woman
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