Created Woman

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Strength = Femininity

What Makes You Feel Strong?

I used to be a cardio bunny. I was scared of lifting weights ‘cause I didn't know correct form and was scared of being judged and scared of "looking like a man." 

This is a common fear in women who first start exercising. However, once I started lifting and getting stronger and seeing my body change in ways I didn't know possible, I felt strong inside as well as outside. 

I think that's why I love lifting weights so much. When the music starts and I put up the weights, there is nothing I can't do. That time in the gym is for me and me alone. 

As fitness has become a bigger part of my life during the last 5 years, I've noticed that I have not only become strong physically, but I have also developed strength in character. My discipline has grown stronger, my ambition has grown stronger, even my relationship with God has grown stronger. 

I think being a woman means being strong. Think of the women you admire most - the strong mothers, the strong executives, the strong students, the strong entrepreneurs. Women raise children and grow businesses and care deeply and love fiercely.

One of my favorite verses regarding women in the Bible is in the iconic Proverbs 31 woman. This passage details the ideal Christian woman and mentions in verse 25 that this woman is "clothed in strength and dignity."

To all my ladies out there, remember today that you are strong not in spite of your femininity, but because of it. Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Slay your business, your parenting, your friendships, your marriage, your life. Embrace the power you hold as a female. Remember that you are strong, beautiful, passionate, and connected.



Sarah Tiller