Created Woman

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Don't Stop Believin'

Don’t Hold on to Feelings. Hold on to What God’s Word Says.

“Don’t stop believin’ - hold on to that feelin!” we all know the Journey song and belt it out at the top of our lungs in our car, at parties, on the dance floor, and maybe even karaoke. True story, my favorite karaoke song is “Hit me with your best shot” by Pat Benatar. It’s in my voice range, at least I think so! But why am I talking about an 80’s song? That song makes me think about dreams. At Created Woman, we believe that God has given each of us a God-sized dream! One that will not only change our lives, but those around us for the better. Our dreams are not just about us, but about our purpose and our legacy.  

“Hold on to that feelin…” I’m not too sure about that. When I hold on to my feelings, it’s difficult to believe that the dream God gave me will come true. My dream is to be married to a man who is a Christian leader. Our purpose will be to have fun as a team making a difference in the kingdom of God. When I hold on to my feelings, it’s a challenge to believe what the Bible says about me. When my dreams aren’t coming true, I feel disappointed, frustrated, and alone. Why would I hold onto those feelings? They don’t help me, my situation, or the people in my life. Now, I don’t have this down yet, believe me. However, I’ve grown in not getting “stuck” in my feelings. There is a balance. I don’t shut off or ignore my feelings. I make sure to feel them. Whether I’m comfortable with it or not. I don’t want to act as if I can just “get over it.” When life isn’t going in the direction that I’ve hoped and prayed for I journal my feelings. Journaling helps me to take the time to feel them and get them out. Then I go to God’s Word and find a scripture to stand on it that season that speaks truth to me, not feelings. I speak that scripture over myself until God’s Word becomes my truth. There are seasons I also choose to go to a professional Christian counselor. Why? My counselor helps me put my feelings into perspective and guide me into truth using God’s Word as well. These seasons don’t come without tears and cussing either. I have discovered that when I don’t work through my feelings in a healthy way, I stifle my relationship with myself, God, or others.  

I’ve made a decision that I am going to live my life no matter if I ever get married or not. I have asked God to take away the desire to have a husband if that’s not HIS dream for me. Well, the desire hasn’t gone away. My encouragement to you is to keep living your life on purpose and leaving a legacy. Know that God gave you that dream. Also know that the dream may not unfold the way you have imagined or in your timing. That’s why it’s important to have a tribe of friends who remind you how good God is and what the bible says about you. “Don’t stop believing in the Dream Giver, God!”


  1. How do you get “unstuck” when you are disappointed or frustrated?

  2. What’s the dream you know God gave you even though it hasn’t happened yet?

  3. What’s the dream you know God gave you even though it hasn’t happened yet?


What three friends/family members encourage you in your God-given dreams. Write them a card and let them know how much their encouragement means to you.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for you, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and the perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right and of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

(Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV)

Stacy McVane



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