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Book Review:Table for One

Table for One is a collection of narratives and reflections followed by introspective questions that can be used a personal devotional or for a group to reflect on life’s challenges and personal growth. Every woman has had a dream then woken up in the morning asking, “What was that all about?” and most of us have at least one shopping experience where you watch and wait and watch and wait for a dress or a pair of shoes to go on sale so you can bring them home where they belong. Author, Lahoma Dade shares the details of a shopping experience then transforms it into a metaphor for life. She recounts the details of a dream then explains how the characters and actions symbolized emotional baggage that were holding her down. Ms. Dade's reflections  show her maturity in her Christian walk and  her narratives have the potential to inspire the reader to look for their own "aha moments" in what appear to be mundane activities of life.

The author is a single woman and the title infers that the book's target audience is other singles. I was glad to find that the content is appropriate and targeted for any woman wanting to make the most of her life. The interior design  includes curvy, feminine graphics that give an elegant look to the  pages. Some of the journal questions were meaty and all require honesty. Table for One is an impressive premier work that would add to the library of any woman who enjoys literature with a reflective component.

Lahoma Dade is an entreprenuer and motivational speaker. She engages crowds with her abilities as a storyteller in person as well as on radio. She is committed to inspire all people to live purposefully and develop their gifts.  To learn more about her or to purchase Table for One, visit her website :

Her  book will be on sale at Shoreline Church on Dec. 4th & 5th. For more information, go to