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Eat Healthy and Exercise as a Way to Honor God

Have you ever been frustrated in years past because you cannot seem to stay motivated long enough to consistently exercise and eat healthy? Do you feel like you have the discipline for a short time, but then fall back into old habits and quit caring because it feels useless. As we begin the New Year by setting new goals, here is a new perspective that I believe can keep you on track.

How might things change for if you decided to eat healthy and exercise as a way to honor God?

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, there is no doubt that there are things in your life you have decided to give to Him such as your finances, time, resources, marriage, children, work, etc. Why then, as women, do we sometimes try and take on the battle of our health and fitness within our own strength, discipline and power?

Here are a couple of common scenarios.

1. You have good intentions to get up in the morning to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise, but you cannot seem to find the motivation or desire to do it consistently.

2. You have had a stressful day, tired and frustrated and you think you have earned the right to over indulge with “comfort foods”. Do either of those sound familiar?

How do you think you may might handle the situation different, if you paused and asked yourself, “what is the best way I could honor and bring worship to God with body right now?”

1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever, you do, do all to the Glory of God.”

Last week, Adrienne challenged us in her blog to ask if the health and goals we are setting is a way to bring honor to self or the Lord. I have to be honest; I have not always had it right. My motives to eat healthy and be fit have not always been pure and frankly, somewhat selfish. However, I have discovered my motivation is stronger when I take out the “me” factor and do it as unto the Lord as a blessing to Him. God wants us to worship Him with what with our body. Deciding not to over indulge, eat out of emotions and taking time to care for your body through physical activity can bring Him honor.

Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through HIM who strengthens me.”

God does now want or expect us to “try” harder on our own. He will give us strength to face the big things and the small things. Our health is just as important to Him as it is to us. Why not ask Him for strength that is not of our own.

I do believe this year can be different. If you would like to learn how to eat healthy as a way to Honor God, I would love for you to join me in my free telephone seminar, Thursday January 21, 2016 at 12:00pm -12:45pm Central time.

During our time, I will share,

• How to make healthy eating a part of your lifestyle in place of yo-yo dieting.

• How to manage triggers such as time and emotions that can lead to overeating.

• How to honor God in all you do including your time and food.

To reserve your spot, email or text 409-550-7606. Let 2016 start off with the right heart and attitude to make healthy living a part of your lifestyle by eating healthy and exercising as a way to honor God