Created Woman

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Identity - What's so confusing

No matter where I look lately - - the news, TV shows, facebook and, of course, reality TV - - it seems to have become the norm for people to choose an identity that doesn’t necessarily line up with who God actually created them to be. One minute, some say, “I’m a girl,” the next “I’m a boy,” and maybe sometimes a little bit of both. Then there are those who say, “I love this person, now that one, or maybe I love both.” To me, there’s not a whole lot of identity being found, but a lot of confusion, leaving more questions than answers.

The Bible says in Ephesians 4:14: Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.

But the key to that scripture is ‘we will no longer be infants.’ Yes, it has made me very angry to see how common these things have become, but what is more upsetting to me is the core of what is really happening. The confusion comes from not knowing and understanding how much we are actually loved by God, the very one who created us. We’ve settled for attending church once a week, if at all, instead of pursuing a deep, intimate relationship with The Lord. The very one who holds all the answers, breathes truth and speaks truth in love. Without growing in the knowledge Him, there’s no way we can truly understand or accept the beauty of who He created us to be.

We’ve remained infants being tossed to and fro.

We’ve allowed things that have become “normal” in the world around us to shape our identity instead of finding our identity in Christ.

Then, sometimes as Christians, we’re shocked or angry by what we see going on. Why? Did you teach your children who they are or did you leave it all left unsaid and assume they would figure it out?

Maybe our kids who grow into adults struggle with identity because they never saw their own mother or father walk out their God-given purpose or understand their identity, self-worth and value.

Are we modeling a life of worth, purpose, and value speaking truth in love shedding light on who God created them to be? Are we telling our children they are beautifully and wonderfully made? Are we helping them grow and how to have a real relationship with The Lord; one that’s real and tangible? Are we modeling that for them and for those around us?

All questions I ask myself. There are days when I feel success and others, more times than I’d like to admit, I feel like I’ve just struggled through another day simple checking things off my to-do list.

Identity. What’s so confusing?

The question of Identity or who we are just doesn’t first pop up asking who do you love or how do you want to dress. It first shows up in the heart asking, “Who are you, really?” It’s a question we all must face not just one time in our life, but if you reflect for a moment, I’m sure you can remember several times when you had to sit and ask, “Who am I?”

It can happen after all the big moments in life: High school and college graduation, after marriage, divorce, having a baby, not being able to get pregnant, losing a job or a loved one. There’s a kind of void that creeps in that makes us question where do we fit?

Created Woman asked you the question all the time, “Who were you created to be?” Do you know? Have you cleared out the clutter, the noise of the world to really find out what God has for you; who He uniquely created you to be, or have you allowed yourself to be tossed to and fro?

Today, I challenge you to settle the noise around you and really start having the tough conversations with yourself and with your children. Ask the questions you fear to ask. Talk about the things that make you uncomfortable. Stretch yourself to open the love letter that was written for you and begin to study it. I promise, you’ll start to hear what God has just for you and your children, allowing you to discover an identity that’s rooted in Christ and is never tossed to and fro.

[title subtitle="Created Woman Foundation"][/title]

As we enter the fall of 2015, we want you to know our Identity; who we are.  

We are a 501c3 that combines fashion and faith to equip and empower women to be -- to know -- to understand -- and to walk out who they are created to be, both inside. (Not to be tossed to and fro.)

This year, as we write the very first Created Woman study guide, our prayer, our vision is to reach women around the world who are ready to take the next step.

As a practical and educational tool, the study guide will offer teaching lessons based on biblical principles, personal stories, reflective questions and interactive activities in each chapter that can be done in group studies, Created Woman workshops or individually.

The goal is to unleash women to take their position. To help make your dreams and others come true, we are asking 100 dreamers to give $100 through our campaign, She Designed A Dream and Launched A Legacy.

[title subtitle="Text to give"][/title]

Created Woman only exists on the generosity of donations and we’ve made it real easy to give! Simply text “cwf” to 77977 right from your phone for a one time gift or set up monthly donations.

We are helping to build a generation who know who they are in Christ and empowering women who are ready to be positioned and released to impact their families, communities and world around them.

cwf brochure

[title subtitle="Join our prayer team"][/title]

We are looking for strong prayer warriors to hold us up in prayer, as we continue to pursue the vision God has given us to reach women around the world.

Will you join us? Email

Core scriptures:

Philippians 4:6Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Isaiah 30:21Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."