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Jan/Feb 2013: New Beginnings & Love

 January & February 2013:New Beginnings & Love through Philanthropy

Editor's Note sneak peak:

New beginnings bring both the feeling of excitement and anxiety; it’s a mixture of emotions that always seems to come hand-in-hand.  You’re excited that you finally landed the job you always wanted, but now you feel anxious because you have to prove you deserve it.  The feel of a newborn baby up against your chest brings a rush of delight and love like you’ve never felt; yet the fear of the unknown hovers over you.  Will I be a good mom? Will I teach her to make wise choices?  Will she love who she is?  So many questions and anxieties along with feelings of sheer delight overwhelm us when we begin anew.

Read more & Get more FASHION INSIDE Jan/Feb 2013 issue!


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