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Spring Organizing Tips

There's something about the first few warm days of a new Spring season approaching that makes me want to re-organize every space in my home. Out with the old and in with the new. Or at least decluttering and sprucing up existing spaces. The feeling that comes with organizing and tidying up a space to make it more functional and inviting is like nothing else. For me, I feel a sense of accomplishment and a new-found peace. This calm permeates throughout my home and allows me to be more productive and intentional in so many areas of my life. 

I want to share a few tips for easy organizing in your most problematic spaces. These things can be done in a weekend and still give you loads of time to spend with your family.

The Pantry

This is a great place to start. I love the idea of clear containers to hold flour, sugar, cereal, granola and pretzels. All those things that you buy frequently and always have on hand. Wire mesh baskets are also helpful for bread, potatoes and onions, lots of small items that can get lost in the shuffle. Don't forget the labels, they will make finding things easy for you and the kiddos. 





The Office

This is a space that can be overrun by paper clutter. The best tip I have for this is to get a great filing system and a shredder. Keep important documents filed by year and/or month and things that are less so, shred and toss. A helpful tip for those mounting magazines is to switch your subscriptions to digital. I love my home decor and fashion mags but hate the space it takes up. Now, I can curl up with my iPad and catch up anytime. Use bright colored boxes to store photos, receipts and greeting cards and still have a pop of color. A tall and functional bookshelf is a great investment for the office. You can merchandise it with your boxes and of course beautiful books and collected personal items. 





The Jewelry Box

This is a space that is near and dear to my heart as I am a bit obsessed with jewelry and accessories. As a Jewelry Stylist, this is a critical area that needs to be well organized and where I can see it daily. I love stackable trays for keeping large pieces and neck-forms for those really special statement necklaces. Bracelet bars are great for keeping all like items together and you can even keep all your metals organized. I also love using vintage teacups, small plates and ceramic egg crates for small delicate pieces.

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The Playroom

This can easily be the most disastrous space in a home due to so many small parts and pieces but there are some simple tips to get everything in its place while still looking cute and decorated. One of my favorite decorating ideas is to put crayons, chalk and markers in clear containers. This keeps them neatly away and provides some colorful decoration to your shelves. Use this concept for Legos too.  As for artwork display, add hanging wire to any wall for a fun gallery-like look. Art can be rotated out as the child grows. I love the low shelves in this space at the child's level. Add closed bins for toys and games. Kids will be more inclined to clean up when there is a place for everything.  





I hope you enjoy these tips and are able to incorporate a few into your home. You will find that life gets a bit easier when your home is well-organized. Less time fumbling to find things and more time for the things that matter most!


Kristen Ellis 

Your Resident Designer & Stylist


"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline."

2 Timothy 1:7