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Style Refreshment | Olivia Palermo + Chelsea28


            Have you ever felt drained and worn out from the long week of work and daily routine? Like you just needed some time to yourself to rest and to re-energize to start the next day at your very best? We’ve all been there. In fact, I’m there every Friday evening, on my couch, ready to let Netflix take over and start my weekend!

The truth is, although we would like to think that we are superwoman, wife, mom, co-worker, sister, friend, or whatever it is that we do, we can’t do it all by ourselves, all of the time, without any help. And that’s okay! We are meant to rely on someone who can! There’s nothing like the refreshment I get from sitting down with my bible and journal and spending some much needed quiet time with the Lord. The overwhelming to-do- list is quieted, worries and doubts dissolve, and I feel I have been given a fresh start to take on whatever new opportunities come my way!



The same feeling of excitement for newness in my wardrobe came this month when the fashion world was hit with a wave of refreshment, as style icon Olivia Palaermo partnered with Nordstrom’s Chelsea28 label to create an exclusive capsule collection of chic and fresh new pieces.

The inspiration for the collection comes from the recent 70’s colors and vibes from the runways. You’ll find dressed up denim elements, a fun “pajama look,” along with Olivia’s signature piece -  a beautiful sleeveless suede trench dress. The Nordstrom exclusive collection is a blend of modern staples with a high fashion edge.

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There is nothing like a new wardrobe to help me feel motivated and confident! A sleek sleeveless vest is my go-to statement piece at the moment, and I love the way this line portrays them in fun colors like camels and army greens; my favorite!

What I love most about this collection is how versatile the pieces are so that you can wear them all season long. There is a simple but classic feel, with a surprise of color and funky prints. All the looks feel like a breath of fresh air to the everyday staples and look effortlessly put together, leaving us refreshed, inspired, and ready to take on the day!


sarah bioWith love,

Sarah Burns