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Style Speaks: Renovate Recap

This year's theme for Style Speaks came from the heart of the Created Woman family. Our goal was for you to not only excitingly waltz through the doors eager for some shopping and fashion shows from local designers such as Moxi Fox, Grace & Lace and W by Worth, but also leave restored, renewed and refreshed. We wanted you to discover and be equipped in areas of your home, heart, and relationships that needed a bit of a renovation. 

Fashion Power Panel - How to Style & Find Value in Who You Are 

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Jen Young, of Forever Styled, interviewed Kendra Staton, a renowned make-up artist and blogger of Citizens of Beauty and Rise Mitchell, founder of Made New Apparel.  

Jen: How do you hold on to your faith? 

Kendra: You start with the wardrobe which then leads to conversation that intentionally leads to the heart. You become a light for Jesus in a place that’s not expecting it - be the fragrance of Christ. Create a none threatening environment where you just love people. It all comes down to love and letting it shine. 

Risa: Expressing your faith publicly makes yourself accountable to God and yourself. When you start your day by spending time with our creator - my motto "coffee & Jesus” - intentionally giving Him praise, you align your heart and mind with love and gratitude and everything else comes second. This daily ritual of coffee & Jesus helped me realize my purpose as well as guide me through tough times. There will always be something hard and we are not the first to face these battles. To fight these battles I create sticky notes of encouragement and scripture to bring me through.  

Jen: What are your beauty essentials? 

Kendra: I’m a busy mother, wife, and businesswoman, so I have three must-haves: fuchsia lipstick, concealer, and brows. Don’t run away from a fuchsia. It is the best color! Plus it doubles as a cream blush. Use your natural face and just dab concealer on your trouble spots. Finish it off with defining your brows. Your brows are very important because they frame your face. 

Risa: My favorite piece that I love to use in every season is the tank top. You take the tank top and use pop of color and prints to display your personality. Add the finishing touches with a great shoe and necklace or earrings. And don’t be afraid to go a size up. A larger sweater or shirt can turn an outfit into something completely different. 

Dreamer Power Panel - How to Pursue Your Dreams & Live within Life's Transitions

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Jan Goss-Gibson, of Civility Consulting, interviewed Jenn Sprinkle and Kelly Rucker, co-founders of and writers of “Thirty One Days of Prayer for The Dreamer + The Doer” and Allison Lyles, Thriving Personal and Professional Development.

Jan: Is there a place for me in this world when others are doing the same “thing” that I am doing/want to do? 

Jenn: Love Him, love others - start there. We are called to bring honor and glory to God first. Are you doing that well? Then, identify your gifts, your place, your resources and your people. Use your gifts and talents to help people most importantly. 

Jan: God does not just call one of us. His kingdom is big enough for all! Comparison is a killer. Remember, no one has your thumbprint and DNA. Your voice is different - not one person can do what you do like you do it. Take the time to connect with God and you will not feel discouraged when finding your place and people. 

Jan: How do you balance your dreams with real life? 

Kelly: Most importantly give yourself grace. Sometimes we are good about giving others grace but we forget about ourselves. Women wear many hats, remind yourself there is grace for you too. I used to find value in my daily to-do list but now I relinquish that to God, give myself plenty of grace, and spend time in his presence to find priorities for the day - for the right now. Everything you do, do it unto the lord. Know the value for every season. Some seasons you're behind the scenes and other seasons you are doing the heavy lifting - be faithful where you are. 

Jan: How do you handle transitional seasons when you’re forced to hit pause? 

Allison: Stay present with the Lord and His word. Spend the extra time in prayer and being still. And in that time notice things that He’s confirming in your heart and surroundings. Trust Him that the pause you’re going through is going to be the best it can be. Trusting Him makes you vulnerable, therefore you have to be gentle and extend yourself grace. During this season surround yourself with other dreamers and doers. Find those who dare greatly and are brave. Take the time to connect with them and God about your desires and passions. Look at your desires and use your gifts and talents towards that and watch your dreams come true. 

CW Family Power Panel - Renovate

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During the Created Woman Power Panel, the CW family of writers Cheryl Luke, Crystal Breaux, Lynn Cherry and founder, Heather Frierson provided tools of how to identify the areas that need a bit of a make-over in our lives and how to get the work done.  

Cheryl told us that life gets tough. Things change, life changes, but we still have desires, passions and dreams. How do I become the person I'm suppose to become when I'm loaded with baggage and life is rough? In the bible, Paul says that he's writing to help you hold your mind in undistracted attention. He encourages us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Remember, all things! 

God has audacious plans for you - through chaos and all. He has the power to help you become "fill in the blank." First, pursue freedom. We get distracted. We're full of fear. Assess your life and see where you came from. Second, dream. Have the courage to dream. You've dreamt but life got too hard or you're just trying to exist. Don't give up. Last, trust yourself. You have what it takes. You have everything you need. 

What's your "fill in the blank?"

Crystal showed us ways of how to renew our minds and spirit when we've reached a spiritual plateau. #1 - Renew each and everyday with the Lord. #2 - Get rid of old way of thinking, old habits, and old friends. If you're staying in a comfortable stagnant place, you won't be able to move to higher ground. #3 - Gain new perspective. Seek the Lord in a new way. For example, pause at different times of the day and pray and/or praise. Seek ways to pray differently. Seek new friends. Seek new counsel. Get a fresh perspective.

Restore & rest. Are you resting daily in the Lord? Do you pause and rest in his presence? Rest in him to bring restoration.  

Lynn shared the colors in her closest: gray, brown and black - dull and colorless. If you know Lynn, you know she is an all around 80's girl! She is full of vibrant life and energy and splashes of color. But she stepped into a season where she couldn't escape darkness, and her closet showed. God turned her darkness into light. A rainbow broke through her gray existence.

Light is color. And light shines in darkness. God painted our world in million of colors and He built us differently to interrupt those colors. The most reliable source of light and color is the bible. Use your color to empower and refresh your soul with God.

Heather's home is going through a renovation. It is ugly and messy and really uncomfortable. But she knew it was time to renovate. During the first floor portion of the renovation, Heather and her family lived upstairs with a baby gate creating a barrier between them and the mess. She was ready to get and begin the work! Stop and think, are you ready to begin the work or are you more comfortable staying behind the baby gate? What kind of house would you live in if you stayed on the second floor away from the renovation process? The work got scary and you stopped and are now living in an unfinished purpose.

Tear down the walls, pull out the nails and begin the renovation. We may have to repaint or go back to Home Depot a few more times, but keep going back. Until we get it right we have to keep going back. Just remember the why - people & love. When you stand behind the gate you are blocking others from receiving the blessing He has for someone else. 

Is it time to renovate your life? 

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Check out all the fun, fashion & panel pictures on the CW Facebook page HERE

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