Created Woman

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Halfway There, Healing on a Prayer

How we find the many metaphors of healing in our lives. God reveals healing through our many experiences in life.   

The Bible tells us that all of creation testifies to the depth and breadth of who God is. Along with the independent identity of who God is, is also who God is to us. Psalms 124:8 says, “For the same God who made everything, our Creator and our mighty maker, He Himself is our helper and defender.” My attention is constantly drawn to the many metaphors or illustrations in our lives that make this true, speaking directly into the heart and purpose of God in our lives. I’m often times left tender-hearted to the awe-inspiring reality of God’s mindfulness and love toward us (Psalm 139:17-18), and His desire for us to know Him deeper. For to truly know God, is to experience sustaining and lasting healing, transformation, and freedom.

There are a thousand examples I can express to show these illustrations of God and His heart for you in the everyday moments in life; I’m sure if you sat down to really think about it, you could count them in your own life, too. The illustrations of gardening, building, cooking, cleaning, or creating something new, each reveal something about the awesome reality of who God is, who God is to us, and everything He is doing in, through, and around us.

One of these particular illustrations that comes to mind for me was actually in a strength training class in an infrared heated room. I had recently taken up a class at Nooma Studios in Searcy, AR with my cousin Hannah, and I knew the class would be tough, but I wasn’t truly prepared for how hard it would be, especially with no water bottle. To say I have never sweat so much in my entire life, might be an understatement. I was absolutely drenched from head-to-toe from having to dig really deep to keep going and just survive to the end of the workout.

By the end of the class, we finally reached the long-awaited cool down portion. With a cold, essential-oiled infused towel draped over my shoulders, I breathed deeply. As the teacher/leader/past hour drill sergeant spoke tenderly to us about releasing everything that was holding us back, I felt this little voice confess: “I’m afraid.” I closed my eyes and really let the words wash over me as I leaned into this truth about myself being afraid and wanting to hide. In a moment of feeling totally exhausted from what I had just endured, I opened myself up to understanding and surrendering what the Lord clearly needed to heal within me—the fear of truly being seen and putting myself out there. The real lesson being it’s a healing only He can do. 

In a culture where it’s preached to be strong and find healing within ourselves, I have learned that in enduring hard things, it’s really an opportunity for the Holy Spirit of God to work out the harmful beliefs within us that need to be revealed and attended to, not for us to muscle through it.  It isn’t “bootstrap theology” of us being strong; rather it’s in the “cool down” tender moments where we find our deepest need revealed. Exercise just so happens to consistently teach me this. As muscle tears, repairs, and grows stronger, I see the spiritual significance of the Spirit tearing down lies in my heart to heal my fear and rebuild unshakable confidence. That day the Lord showed me that even if people don’t like me, accept me, or embrace me – I am safe in Him to allow myself to be seen and known none the less.

  1. Find a parable that Jesus uses to describe what God, The Kingdom of God, or how God relates to us is like. What is an example that speaks to you?

  2. In what experiences have you seen God’s heart for you revealed?

  3. What is an illustration you can share with a friend about Christ in your life?

Your faithfulness flows from one generation to the next; all that you created sits firmly in place to testify of you.

(Psalms 119:90 TPT)

From the creation of the world, the invisible qualities of God’s nature have been made visible, such as His eternal power & transcendence. He has made his wonderful attributes easily perceived, for seeing the visible makes us understand the invisible. So then, this leaves everyone without excuse.

(Romans 1:20 TPT)


Alex Parsons

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