Created Woman

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What Do I Want To Say Most?

Now more than ever, women have been given the opportunity for their voices to be heard and are being heard more than ever. But with that opportunity, comes great responsibility ever-increasing the question:

"Where do I fit, now and what do I want to say most?"

The question of Identity or who we are just doesn’t first pop up asking “Who do you love?” or “How do you want to dress?” It first shows up in the heart asking, “Who am I, really?” It’s a question we all must face not just one time in our life, but if you reflect for a moment, I’m sure you can remember several times when you had to sit and ask, “Who am I?”

It can happen after all the big moments in life: High school and college graduation, after marriage, divorce, having a baby, not being able to get pregnant, losing a job or a loved one. There’s a kind of void that creeps in that makes us question where do we fit?

The Bible says in Ephesians 4:14: Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.

But the key to that scripture is ‘we will no longer be infants.’ The confusion comes from not knowing and understanding how much we are actually loved by God, the very one who created us. We’ve settled for attending church once a week, if at all, instead of pursuing a deep, intimate relationship with The Lord daily. The very one who holds all the answers, breathes truth and speaks truth in love. Without growing in the knowledge Him, there’s no way we can truly understand or accept the beauty of who He created us to be.

By doing so, we run the risk of being tossed to and fro and allowing the things of the world become “normal” ultimately shaping our identity instead of finding our identity in Christ.


Today, I challenge you as you read this devotional to settle the noise around you and really start having the tough conversations with yourself. Ask the questions you fear to ask. Talk about the things that make you uncomfortable. Stretch yourself to open the love letter that was written for you and begin to study it. I promise, you’ll start to hear what God has just for you, allowing you to discover an identity that’s rooted in Christ and is never tossed to and fro.

Because here’s the truth: God can’t use your voice, if you don’t know your voice.



Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.

(Ephesians 4:14 NIV)

Heather Frierson



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