Created Woman

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When Are We Too Old to Care? Aging and Fashion

When Are We Too Old to Care? Aging and Fashion

Oh, the moment in life when I became really comfortable and relaxed with who I was as a woman. It was a good thing that brought freedom and confidence. Not long after that came a season with new demands, busier schedules, and less time to worry about taking care of myself. Fast-forward to today as I approach my ’50s and so often hear women say, “I just really don't care anymore.” Although it is easy to fall into that mind-set, as we know that God looks at the inside of our heart, how we take care of our outside is an opportunity to show up well and honor God with our body and resources.

So therein lies the battle that can take place within me. Do I obsess over my outward appearance? Do I give up altogether because I do not have the time, resources, or desire to care? It is neither, but rather a balance of priorities. It begins by turning my heart to reflect more of Christ and let my desire to take care of my body be an opportunity to give back and show up well for Him.

As a woman in my late ’40s, I’ve had to figure out how I am to do that. As I see the fashion trends, am I to dress as if I were in my ’20s? Of course not. What I have learned works for me is to adapt a few simple tricks that keep me in the fashion trend for the season, reflect my style, accommodate my age, lifestyle, and schedule, and keep my heart in check with my priorities. It begins each season with learning the colors and trends for that season, which usually comes from my Created Woman tribe and, let's be honest, magazines and Pinterest. As I quickly scan and learn what is hot for the season, I choose two or three trends that are appropriate for my body type and age, and they become my must-haves. I stick to what I know and keep it simple, as opposed to becoming consumed with too many items.

First Corinthians 10:31 says, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (NIV). This is the Bible verse and motivation I use to keep my heart, motives, and mind in the right place. I can take the time to prepare and care that I show up well but also ensure it is for the glory of God and not for myself or others. I can have fun learning how to dress fashionably at my age but also ensure my time still glorifies God and is not used obsessing over myself.

So to answer the question, When are we too old to care? Never. We don't have to give up. We are never too old to show up well, even if it is adapting one new thing each season and each year of life.

1.     What season of life are you in that can cause you to give up caring (taxi mom, busy career, "too old")?

2.     How can you change your mind-set to see things differently?

3.     What is one new thing you can add to your fashion regimen?

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

(1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV)


Crystal Breaux

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