Chandelier Earrings

Chandelier Earrings

God turns daunting into delight. 

 I was at lunch with my friend, D, for my birthday a couple of years ago. She gave me a box that was beautifully wrapped. I opened the box and she said with a smile, “Wear these on your dates. They are fun!” 

I had just gotten on a dating app. Dating apps are daunting. I don’t know one woman or man that can’t wait to get on a dating app. I would much rather meet the man of my dreams at my church, at work, or through mutual friends. Heck, I wouldn’t mind meeting Mr. Right bumping carts at HEB either. Alas, that wasn’t happening, so here I was on a dating app. 

Putting together my dating profile, now that’s daunting. Presenting your best self in less than 300 words and 7 pictures; daunting. Making sure you don’t give too much information while still remaining a mystery. Fun and sexy pictures, but not too sexy. I was already drained. Daunting!  

My friend’s gift was a pair of beautiful chandelier earrings. D worked at a high-end department store, so I knew they were good quality. I hesitated. She could sense something wasn’t quite right, and - I had to be honest. “I don’t wear earrings. I haven’t for over 15 years. My ears get infected.” She said, “Well, just try them. They are nice, Stac. I don’t think you’ll get an infection. If they don’t work, you can give them to someone else.” 

 I got in my car, flipped the visor down and looked in the mirror. I took the earrings out of the box, and said to myself, “I don’t even think these will go through my ears.” The first earring slipped right through, and then the second. I was pleasantly surprised. I wore my new earrings all day. The next day my ears were fine, no soreness and no infection.

I wonder how long I could’ve been wearing fun earrings over the last 15 years. I realized that I allowed the pain in my past to stop me from trying something fun. Sometimes we make fashion daunting. We think, “I have to do a complete makeover of my closet. I have to be on trend.” We put expectations on ourselves that are unrealistic. Was I doing the same thing with dating apps? Instead of having the mind set of meeting the man of my dreams on a first date, why not just have fun? Get to know a man face to face. Instead of imagining walking down the aisle, I could imagine laughs over a cup of coffee and conversation. Was I making dating daunting? 

I’ve been wearing fun earrings and going on dates for a couple of years now. I’m having fun doing both. It’s no longer daunting. I’ve gotten tougher skin while making sure my heart is still soft. I’ve realized that I can choose…and, I choose delightful over daunting. 


1.     What is one thing you have made daunting instead of delightful?

2.     What mindset do you have about this daunting thing? How can you change it?

3.     What’s your favorite outfit for date night, girls’ night, or a celebration night?


What are some new and fun additions you can make to your wardrobe? Maybe a new lipstick, earrings, a hat, or an out of your box color top? Whatever you do, have fun and be yourself!

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” (Proverbs 31:25 NLT)


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