
"Let whatever God gives us can be multiplied and given right back out. In God's upside-down economy, the more you give, the more you have.

Recently, I found myself stuck listening to the very sad, very long story of a client at exactly the wrong time in my insanely busy workday. I had to take a breath to keep from hyperventilating when thinking of all the things I should have been doing. I struggled between feeling truly sorry for her, and very worried for myself and my ability to get my commitments met.

Fortunately, the Holy Spirit tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me of my real job. What would 15 minutes, or even an hour, actually cost in the long run? To this woman, being heard, empathized with, and prayed for, was a precious easing of her pain that was invaluable. So, I settled in.

Here’s the thing about sacrificing to God what is most precious to you in the moment; it multiplies as you give it. In 2 Corinthians 9:10 says, “First he supplies every need, plus more. Then he multiplies the seed as you sow it, so that the harvest of your generosity will grow.”

As I listened to her story and asked God how I could be used in this situation, a deep peace set in, and anxiety ebbed away. In the end, the time I gave her to listen and pray, didn’t seem to affect my productivity. In fact, I ended my day on time and ahead.

Our purpose is to be a conduit, so that whatever God gives us can be multiplied and given right back out. In God’s upside-down economy, the more you give, the more you will have. Whether it is money, time, resources, knowledge, or gifts, you will end up with more than you ever had to begin with.

Our experiences can make us wealthy in every way if we re-purpose everything in service to God and His Body, the church. Keeping our eyes and ears open to God’s nudges to give in any situation will result in blessing you can’t imagine.


1.      What is the hardest thing for you to give away?

2.      Is there anything you have a hard time trusting God with?

3.      What are the easiest things for you to give?

Let giving flow from your heart, not from a sense of religious duty. Let it spring up freely from the joy of giving—all because God loves hilarious generosity!  Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, so that you will have more than enough of everything —every moment and in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do. (2 Corinthians 9:7-8 TPT)


This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've received I will sow

(Desert Song, by Hillsong)



Heather Bise


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