Create a Vision for Your Life

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That Will Guide Your Steps

When our children were little, my husband and I wanted to create a vision that would identify who we were and guide our decisions and direction as a family. We took a weekend to go away and shared with each other what we wanted our home to represent for our children. We used the time to study and reflect on what God says in His word about living as His disciples. From that, we crafted a vision statement with actions steps we would take to live it out.

That idea continued over to my personal life and career. I crafted a vision based on my passions, values, and how I wanted to represent God to others.  I made an “I am” statement that would direct my steps, actions, and behaviors based on my purpose that motivated and inspired me each day.

As believers in Christ, we all have been given a mission that identifies what God has called us to do.   Matthew 28:19 says that we are to go and make disciples of others. He has given us gifts, passions, and experiences that indicate how we are to fulfill the bigger mission.  As I reflected on these things in my life while crafting this vision, it became apparent what my purpose was. I knew I was to teach and help others to unpack their gifts and potential spiritually, physically and professionally.  This was my venue for sharing Christ with others.  For me, I have learned that if I don't keep my vision statement in front of me, I can easily be distracted by so many other things. When I find myself hitting a wall or feeling a plateau, I go back and read the vision to remember my “why,” and ask myself a few questions.  Am I am creating goals and making steps toward the vision?   Is it time to alter the strategy with a little pivot?   Is it supporting the ultimate calling God has for me?

Now let me ask you some questions. What do you want to be known for? How do you know when you are doing God's will based on scripture?  Do you know what your talents and spiritual gifts are?

Now, how can you turn those things into an "I am" statement? These are not goals that are checked off, but something that will guide you through life’s decisions. For example, my vision statement is, "I am coaching and helping others grow personally, professionally and spiritually to be who God created them to be."

In Created Woman, our vision is to equipment and empower women to be who God created them to be inside and out.  It is what identifies us from others.  It is the vision that continues to drive us to fulfill God's larger calling as an organization.

What is your vision?   How do you want to be identified?   Consider crafting an "I am" statement that will guide you towards fulfilling God's higher purpose for your life.


  1. What are your answers to the questions in today's reading?

  2. Pick a time and place to begin writing out a vision that identifies your life mission.

  3. In what ways do you see this helping you stay focused and on track?

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

 (Matthew 28:19 ESV)



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