Do You Need a New Summer Wardrobe?

Summer is now in full swing.  Time to buy those cute summer outfits, sandals, beach wear, and as the kids would say, “whatever!”

Speaking of new clothes, allow me to ask you a question. Are you into wearing labels on your clothing?  Would you buy a designer’s label even though the style doesn’t look good on you?  Do you buy labels that your budget can’t afford?  I know that I have, and for good reason, or so I thought at the time.  I wanted to fit in with the crowd.

Unfortunately, I’ve also worn labels within me that wasn’t the right thing to wear. In reality, the label I was wearing within was what I based my self-worth on.

Perhaps you can relate to what I am saying.  Ask yourself these questions?

  1. Am I wearing a Performance Label that says I must meet certain standards in order to feel good about myself?
  1. Am I wearing an Approval Label that says I must be approved by certain others to feel good about myself?
  1. Am I wearing a Blame Label that says because of something in my past I am unworthy of love and deserve to be punished?
  1. Am I wearing a Shame Label that says I am what I am; I cannot change; I am hopeless.

Perhaps we should change our wardrobe within, dispense with the labels, and label ourselves the way God sees us which is:  deeply loved, totally accepted, deeply loved, and absolutely complete in Him.   

Only then can we become the woman God created us to be from the inside out.