Created Woman

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#GoingGreen or Bust!

Going Green...what does that mean really?  What it means to me may be different than what it means to you but no matter the definition or how we "go green" our goal is the same; make our city, home, world we live in a better place.  You could say by going green we are becoming a better Created Woman!  Hmmm...I like that!

This month, Created Woman is going #GoingGreen (tweet that girlfriends) and we're bringing the fun and the sassy with us!  From fabulous fashions, to a new, all-natural cosmetic line  you MUST try, plus our Created Woman of the month who really is living out the "Green Life."  There are so many ways we can make the world around us a better place so hopefully this month we'll give you a few extra tools to do that with - ones that are easy & smart at the same time!

Check out our upcoming articles, follow us on...

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Share our Created Moments Video, Created Woman is #GoingGreen, with your friends to let them know what's going on this month at CW! (OOPS!  It's a little windy on the video )

Enjoy becoming & being the woman you were created to be!