How To Stay Consistent for Good Health

“Wait, I need to do one more thing! Ugh, I don't have time for that." These are the thoughts that can go round and round in my mind causing stress when I’m trying to get it all done.  If I am not careful, before I know it I will have run out of time to spend on my health physically or spiritually.

As I reflect back to when my kids were toddlers and in grade school, I had to be mindful to calm my spirit and ask myself, "what really matters right now?"   I needed to decide where to put my time and energy as I knew that season wouldn’t last forever. Now, as I enter a new time of my life with a teenager, career and ministry, I find myself having the same internal thoughts that can easily be distracting.  I know because of my natural tendency that I must be intentional to quiet my mind to focus on what really matters by identifying my priorities for my health.

For me, I have learned I must start my day, no matter what is going on, in a quiet space with God.  I know if I am not feeding my spirit and my mind on what God tells us in His word, I can unknowingly travel down a road focusing on what really does not matter, leading to unnecessary worries.  

Taking care of my body is a necessity to do what is God calling me to do each and every day.  Honestly, there are days when I think I don't have time to exercise  because the day was taken up by something else.   I could also allow myself to get frustrated that I can't do the same type of work outs I once did. But I have had to make it a priority to say, "if I can't do what I I want to do,  do what I can do."   For me, that means some days I have 30 minutes and some days I have an hour.   It may not always be the same amount of time, but I do what I can to stay consistent.  It is the consistency over time that builds our strength and stamina spiritually and physically.

No matter what age, there will always be something that will want our time and energy. If we want to be healthy enough to do what God is calling us to do, we have to carve out time to stay fit to the best of our ability.  If not, it will be easy to allow our thoughts and worldly distractions take our mind away from what matters.    When we carve out time each day to be with our Father in Heaven and take care of body, the consistency over time leads to good health.

May our hearts stay focused from in God's word in Colossians 3:12. "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God."


  1. What takes your time from focusing on your physical health?

  2. What mental distractions keeps you from making your health a priority?

  3. What is one thing you could add or eliminate to give you mental and physical time?

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.

(Colossians 3:12 NIV)


Crystal Breaux




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