Created Woman

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Mid-Year Dream Refresh

What happened to those dreams and goals you set at the beginning of 2021?

Some call it the mid-year refresh while those in the business world call July the 3rd quarter. As a mom that works from home, I call it summer and work when I can time. Whatever you call it, the middle of the year is often the time we lose focus on those God-sized dreams and the very purpose God created us.

But, here’s the thing: God didn’t put a time stamp on your purpose.

And there are people waiting on you, too!

As we launch into the 2nd round of Created Woman’s six principles for 2021, it can feel like you have done this before. But the reality is that our dreams and purpose are always shifting and so should we so, I want to encourage you that now is the perfect time to revisit those dreams. The ones that God gave you at the beginning of the year or even last year and discover how they have shifted or changed.

Then write it down!

Checking in on our progress and being practical with the calling, purpose, ministry, vocation – whatever you want to call it -  is the most important thing you can do. We hear this in the business world, but somehow in the church world, checking in on our goals/dreams and being practical about walking them out, isn’t as popular.

But I think it should be just the opposite….

If we have learned anything this past year it’s that Christ followers should be at the forefront and have a seat at every table. Including you! But we can’t get there or have a voice if we are lazy about our purpose. We have to:

  • Plan

  • Learn

  • Strategy

  • Execute

  • Be Masterful at the very work He has called us to do!

We have to GO INTO THE WORLD! Get out from behind the computer screens to actually walk out our purpose (I’m talking to me now, too!)

I remember a few years ago, I how I had a clear sense that there were things left un-finished. Undone. Goals I hadn’t quite accomplished.

Dreams that I had that I was CERTAIN were ones God had given me.

So I began asking, ‘What happened?” Did I do something wrong, did I take a wrong turn, did I hear wrong? What happened to that dream that was suppose to be accomplished by December 31st, 20XX

Do you get where I’m going?

This dream that I had been working towards I had put a hard timeline on it – a due date. Then one day, it was like I heard God laugh at me and say, ‘Who said it was going to be done at the end of the year. Your supposed to keep going girl!”

I almost started arguing because I want a sense of accomplishment – a grand finale. And then I remembered, Oh yeah…’s one dream –step at a time. That’s how we, that’s how you become the woman you was created to be. It’s a process and it’s WORK!

But here’s the good news! The very first thing God commanded Adam and Eve to do was to work the land, subdue it and bring order. And since we are created in his image as a Creator, we are hardwired with a desire to create—to work. He designed you that way and has given you everything you need to bring order to the very thing He has called you to do. (Genesis 2:15)

So, let’s take this next half of the year and re-visit what God has already shown you, refresh and make a new strategy if necessary.

And finally let’s be SMART about it so that we can take our seat at the table.

We serve a Big God and he wants to do Big things through you. Let’s go!


  1. What challenges to your dreams have been hardest to overcome?

  2. What question would you ask God about your dreams if you were sure He’d answer?

  3. What is the scariest thought you have about following your dreams?


Find a scripture that speaks to your fear or frustration and write it here:

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for you, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and the perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right and of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

(Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV)

Heather Bise



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