My Favorite Cher Song

It Give The Healing that “I” Want

“If I Could Turn Back Time” is one of my favorite 80’s Cher songs.  I love it, but let’s be honest, there are several mistakes that I wish I could change, take back or edit. Some are better to forget and move on, but some are those that I need to remember before I can move forward in what God has for me.  You see, I need to acknowledge my sin and get direction on how to make it right, in order to receive healing, restoration, and freedom.

Isn’t it tempting to push things under the rug hoping they will go away?  I mean some things are just hard to face for many reasons.  In this classic song, Cher does say that she was “too proud to say she was wrong.”  Acknowledgment may mean having to cut through feelings of pride, shame, sorrow, or sadness. Yet, it will really never go away with avoidance.  The enemy will continue to throw it in my face, building a wall between me and the Lord, continuing the cycle of pride, regret and shame. But when I bring it before the Lord (who, by the way, already knows), it gives me the opportunity to discover true forgiveness and grace from Him and walk in complete freedom.  We have this promise in 1 John 1:9 in the Bible that says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Sometimes this is a quick confession, allowing me to move on, but honestly, there have been times when it is a process of brokenness and forgiving of self that requires a time of healing for complete restoration.

It is during this process, that I have been reminded of God’s word in Ephesians 1:4, “For He chose us in Him, before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.”  Wow, God knew, not only how beautiful and precious I would be in His sight, but He knew my sin ahead of time and still died for me.  Paul, The author of Ephesians, then says in verse 6 and 7 that, “God predestined us to be adopted as his children through Jesus Christ and have redemption through his blood with the forgives of our sins with the richness of God’s grace.”  I mean, why would I want to carry something that God is clearly wanting to take from me so that I may walk in complete freedom?

Created Woman, we can’t have that “thing” holding us back from living out what the Lord wants for us. He wants to bring healing with complete forgiveness and restoration.  It may be just for our own freedom, but it may also be used for His glory. Either way, we will never know until we allow Him to do the work in us.

We may not be able to turn back time, but we can change the future by allowing God to take over for us.

  1. Just between you and the Lord, what is a sin you have not been ready to bring to Him?

  2. What has been the internal or external consequences of avoiding this sin or mistake? (broken relationships, shame, fear, sadness)?

  3. How can you begin seeking healing from the Lord? (asking forgiveness, learning more about God’s truth, memorizing scriptures to fight the attacks of the enemy)

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)


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