Created Woman

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Take My Checklist, Please

Let Christ Illuminate the Important Things

I read a simple proverb long ago that said, “Though the blind man cannot see it, the sun continues to shine on him.” The idea is that God is continually working, seeing, and being, despite our ability to perceive it. I immediately went to thoughts about my purpose, and how I might be missing how God is moving in the little details that I have been ignorant to, causing me to worry about things that God should have under control. Or, at least I’d like to believe He has it under control.

See, I like to make mental checklists, and give to God the big things, then assume responsibility for the minor things, and regularly check on God to see if He’s making progress on His end of the bargain. If I feel He is lagging behind, or unaware of the importance of my checklist, I begin Ernest Prayer, to remind Him we are on a timeline here.

I wish I were kidding.

My Father, being so good and generous with my shortsightedness, pointed out that there are so many areas of my life where the sun is shining, and I have not stopped to be in it, noticing what is illuminated. The workings of God are all around us, not subtle at all, if we have eyes to see and ears to hear.

My purpose is not to come to the end of my checklist and arrive at the fruition of all my dreams and successes, but to see all the ways in which Christ has ushered the fullness of God into the land of the living.

There are so many places where Christ has made us free, yet we walk in the dark, uncertain and groping for meaning. Make your purpose to identify and grab hold of all the liberty you have Jesus and walk freely in it.

My checklist has already been reduced to things that bring me joy and hope and gratitude, because my number one purpose has been discovered: walk in freedom, woman! The success story will be that we are reaping the fruit of that knowledge.


  1. Are there areas of your life you are don’t feel like the Lord is “shining” on?

  2. Do you feel the Lord is waiting to shine on you until you get your act together? Why or why not?

  3. What might your life look like if you had liberty in those areas?

Then Jesus said, “I am light to the world, and those who embrace me will experience life-giving light, and they will never walk in darkness.” (John 8:12 TPT)

Heather Bise



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