About My Father's Business

When We’re Busy Being On Purpose for Christ, We’re Focused and Not Diverted by Life’s Many Distractions

It was 2018, and I was on the precipice of a breakup. After a couple of months of building a relationship with a relatively nice guy who seemed to check off all the boxes, I still felt like something wasn’t right. I worked overtime to make myself feel like the relationship was a good fit for me. However, as the days turned to weeks and then into months, I couldn’t reconcile a nagging feeling of something being off.

This relationship came at a time when I was growing tremendously in my faith, and the Lord was doing amazing things in me and in my life. I was involved with the worship team at church, cultivating my gift for music and singing. I was also active in rock climbing and training to run the Capitol 10K in Austin, TX. I had built an amazing group of friends that I not only had so much fun with, but also walked through the hard stuff in life with as well. I felt so full.

In my fullness I wanted so badly to make this relationship work, but I continuously found myself feeling disconnected from the many facets I enjoyed in my life and misaligned from my values in the relationship itself. I finally reached out to a friend for advice of what to do, and she shared the story of Nehemiah with me.

Nehemiah received his calling from the Lord to repair the walls of Jerusalem while he was in an occupation of being a cup bearer for a king. His heart had been burdened by the post-war ruins in his hometown. After fasting and praying it seemed like every door opened for him to go and pursue what God moved him to do.

However, this endeavor was not without pushback.  People came to Nehemiah to try to conspire against him and his work by asking connivingly for him to come and meet with them. Nehemiah didn’t comply nor argue. He simply responded with, “I’m doing a great work; I can’t come down.” He was on purpose and busy with the work the Lord had for him, and anything that was going to take him away from that, simply did not receive his attention.
“Maybe,” my friend said, “this just isn’t what the Lord has for you. You seem like you’re forcing it. Don’t get distracted from the work the Lord is doing and calling you into. Continue to be about the Father’s business.”

Now, years after this particular relationship ended, I still find myself thinking of Nehemiah and being on purpose, even as I sit and write this devotional. His story constantly encourages me to pursue what I feel God is calling me into and to stay focused on Him.

I am reminded that life will have many distractions that attempt to divert us from doing what God has placed within us for the good of all of those within in our sphere of influence. In those moments, take a play from Nehemiah’s heart-posture toward his purpose; “I am doing a great work. Why should I stop?”


  1. What is the Lord working on in your life right now?

  2. What are your talents and gifts? What do you love to do &/or skilled at doing?

  3. How are you using these gifts and talents? How are they being invested?

So I replied by sending this message to them: “I am engaged in a great work, so I can’t come. Why should I stop working to come and meet you?
 (Nehemiah 6:3 NLT)



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