The Kingdom Closet

The Kingdom Closet

Honoring God with Our Clothes and Wardrobe

This year I embarked on the glorious feat of purging my closet. Now, there are lots of new organizing techniques you can use to purge your closet these days.

One of these techniques is asking yourself whether each article of clothing “brings you joy or not.” If it does, keep it; if it doesn’t, throw it away. After considering if I should use this technique, I thought to myself, “What if I went into my closet with the mind-set of deciding whether my clothes bring God glory instead of wondering if they bring me joy?”

From there on out, I went into my closet purge thinking I wanted to create what I called a Kingdom Closet. What does a Kingdom Closet entail? I am glad you asked! If we as Christians are called to live life according to the kingdom, then our closet should follow suit! This means we should honor God with what we wear and why we wear it. It means we need to consider what we buy and how we present ourselves on a daily basis. Are we making purchases within our budget to honor our finances? Are we wearing clothing that represents being an ambassador of Christ? Are we dressing for the approval of men or other women or for the approval of God?

It became very clear to me that we can worship and honor God starting with how we dress for the day and what we implement in our closet. In the past I have dressed for other people, to compete with them, to impose a certain type of status, but dressing with that mind-set is not glorifying God. In fact, I was elevating the approval of man over the approval of God (1 Thess. 2:4 ESV).

As Christ followers, and as women who choose to walk in the kingdom, there are many things we need to consider when we think about our closet. God cares about every single aspect of our lives, and we should honor God in every single aspect of our lives; our wardrobe is not exempt from this.

My challenge for you, my sisters in Christ, is to examine your closet and to see if there are areas where it’s not honoring God. Are you spending money that you shouldn’t be spending on your wardrobe to compete with other women? Does your fashion represent you as an Ambassador of Christ? Are you managing your closet well by its upkeep and not letting it become too overbearing? These are things that God cares about. Next time your closet is due for a purge, go in with a Kingdom Closet mind-set; it’s just one more way we can honor God!

  1. Look in your closet or think about items you wear frequently. Which items are most in line with being an Ambassador of Christ, and why?

  2. Which items in your closet perhaps don’t align with being an Ambassador of Christ? Would it be difficult to remove those from your wardrobe? Describe your feelings.

  3. Why is it important that we, as Christ ambassadors, honor God with how we dress?

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

 (1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV)


And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

(Colossians 3:17 ESV)


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