What's Too Much Physically and Mentally?

As a young college graduate beginning a career in health and fitness, I was passionate to eat healthy, exercise and lead others to do the same. It had been a dream since I was a young girl. I believed in wellness, being fit physically, mentally and spiritually with a balance of healthy eating and exercise, and I worked to build my career sharing this message. 

As my relationship with God grew, I realized I had made this dream about me.  You see, I cared about my health, but like most women, I, too, had days where I would overindulge.  I wouldn't let it get me down.  I would simply get back on track the next day and start new with my own personal motivation and strength.  When that became difficult, I began to wonder if that was always the right attitude.  Through studying the Word, 1 Corinthians 10:31 became clear: Whether you eat or drink, whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. (NIV).  By understanding this, my drive and motivation changed and the Lord gave me a new message for others.  God had given me this passion and platform to lead others to live a healthy lifestyle for His glory, not mine or theirs.  We are to be healthy and take care of our body to honor him and ready to fulfill the work He has called us to do. So now, what was the answer to "what is too much" when it came to eating and exercise?

The answer comes when we pause to reflect on our heart and motivation. As you eat, stop and ask yourself, am I filling my body with the right food to be healthy and strong to fulfill God's purpose in my life? Am I eating out of a need of hunger or looking for something that can only be filled by God?

As you exercise, stop and ask, am I doing it for God's glory or my own? Honestly, this has changed how I view exercise.  There would have been a time when just 20 minutes was not worth it to me. Now I have come to realize it is not about me, but an opportunity to give what time I do have sacrificially to God,  physically and mentally.  

How do we know when it is too much?  If it consumes your mind and energy and takes time physically and mentally away from God, it is too much.  I remember the morning that I felt God speak directly to me and ask, "what will come first each day, your time for exercise or time with me?"  That is when everything changed, and I knew my motivation was moving in the right direction. God came first.

Does that mean I am always perfect? Of course not.  As I write this, it is the morning after indulging in burgers and chips with friends.  Instead of focusing on regret, I am reminded of Philippians 1:6 that says, β€œHe who began a good work in me will finish it until the day of Jesus Christ."  I turn my heart toward Him. Even with my body and health, He will direct me.


1.     Where might you tend to indulge too much either in a healthy or unhealthy way?

2.     Is there an area of your life that consumes your mind and takes time away from God?

3.     What might you need to do to move toward a healthier life so that you are ready and capable to fulfill God's purpose in your life?


Goal Setting & Sharing

What are three goals you can set based on today's devotion to begin taking care of your body in a way that brings honor to God?

"Whether you eat or drink, do it all for the glory of God."

(1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV)
