Created Woman

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My Frustration, When I Could Not Run…..and What I Learned

Ah! Running, I love it.  I am not fast by some standards. I am not an extreme athlete.  I just love the quiet times to myself, or the times with girlfriends running and chatting about our life events.  It has been a part of my life for many years.  It’s what I do.  But when physical circumstances left me no other choice but to take a break and pause, what would I do when I could not run?

To add to my frustration, this “pause” that occurred physically was not the only pause I was being forced to take.  It seemed there had been a standstill in certain areas of my business.  The way I had known to do things did not seem to be working anymore.  What was going on?  It seemed like everything was just at  stand still.

Completely frustrated, I had to reflect back on other times in my life of discouragement and remember that God was preparing the way.  It was when I waited patiently and sought His guidance, He brought healing and made the path clear.

Yes, I am still in the time of waiting and wanted to honestly share with you what I have learned thus far.

  • When I can’t do what I want to do, do what can I do

If you have worked with me as a client or followed me for a while, you know I say this quite often.  I had to listen to my own words.  It was time to think outside of the box for, not only because of time restraints, but to accommodate an injury…..ugh!

  • It is an opportunity to help others

As I have had to learn new and created ways of staying physically fit and active, it is has enabled me to be more understanding of others and accommodate the needs of clients and friends who may feel defeated.

  • A pause is an invitation to seek the Lord deeper

I knew God was giving me this time for a reason, and I needed to seek Him more and more.  I needed more than just my early Morning Prayer and study time.  Throughout the day, I need to spend more with time with Him every opportunity that was given to me.  That meant instead of staying frustrated or picking up the phone in those few split moments to check out social media, I needed more time in the Word for his guidance and answers for my life.

When we want God to show us the way, we must seek more of Him and put our trust in him for every circumstance in our life, even the ones we like to control.  (for example, my body and business.)  Just being real.

So where am I now?

I am still not running, but I am taking care of my health and body.  Remember, not being able to do what you want, is not a reason to quit all together.  Our health and fitness should be a  priority in our life to take care of the temple God has given us, not just a reason to look a certain way.

As I have sought more of the Lord, I have realized that I have not been obedient in what He has been calling me to do for a few years.  For a long time, I have had the dream and passion of not only being a Wellness and Fitness Coach for Women, but a Professional Christian Life Coach, as well. It has been the vision of “one day” with all of the fears, lies and excuses we know Satan can fill our minds with to keep us from stepping out.

I have a passion for women to be healthy and fit, not only physically and mentally, but spiritually.  My heart’s desire is for women to grow in Christ with confidence and fulfill the unique purpose God has for their life. This week I began the journey to complete the process with Life Purpose Coaching Centers.  Although I am stepping out with a little anxiety of the unknown, I am excited for the calling.

Today, I asked for your prayers of strength for me and want to give you encouragement.  If you are frustrated because you are unable to do what you want or unsure of your next step, maybe it is time to try something different or shut certain things down to seek more of God in your life.

Psalms 143:8

Let the morning bring word of your unfailing love for I have put my trust in you.  Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.