Changing Fashion Labels Within

Changing Fashion Labels Within

When it comes to the clothing we wear, oftentimes we allow labels sewn inside the garment to decide what we purchase. I remember in my young adult life of choosing my clothing according to a label that promoted the latest trend in fashion, only to discover the trend failed to be the right fit” for me.

Unfortunately, I’ve also worn labels in my inward being that weren’t the right fit either. They did not fit because I wore them to measure my self-worth. I was more interested in how people saw me rather than how God, the one who created me, saw me. Perhaps the label that I wore that caused me the most pain in my life was what I refer to as The Guilt Trip Label.

Let me explain with a personal story that devastated me years ago, but eventually became the best thing that ever happened to me.

My prayer partner of three years called me on the telephone for our usual time of prayer at 6 AM. Instead of our friendly chitchat prior to prayer, she proceeded to lower the boom on me. Accusations began hurling out of her mouth that totally took me off guard with no way of me getting a word in edgewise. In our three years of early morning prayer, we had never had a cross word with one another, which is why I was so shocked when she let out a string of accusations leveled against me.

True to form, I was filled with guilt, questioning myself as to what I had done to cause my friend so much pain. Creeping up inside me were the old familiar sick feelings I had experienced over the years – muscle tension, tears flowing down my face, a punch in the stomach that felt like a knife sticking its sharp point inside me.

After she finally wound down, something clicked deep within that made me realize I was tired of wearing the guilt label. So, after a long pause, I said to her, “I have listened and written down every accusation you made against me. I am going to pray about each one of them; I want to know truth, so I will get back to you in a few days.”

And that is exactly what I did. I prayed about each accusation and asked the Lord to show me truth about myself.

Without repeating each accusation here, let me just tell you how I believe the Lord spoke to me as I presented each one of them to Him in prayer.

1.     “This one is true; ask her to forgive you.”

2.     This one is not true; it is only her opinion of you.” 

The process went on in that manner until the list of ten was complete, and that is when I made my phone call to my friend. As I repeated each accusation and what the Lord had said about them, it was she who sat quiet and listened while I spoke. 

And that, my friends, is when I first begin to learn the difference between true guilt and false guilt, which has helped me to stop shivering when opinionated people speak as though they are God’s agents to set everyone straight. I now proudly wear the label of TRUTH, as I endeavor to fashion every area of my life according to Jesus’s words, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32 TLB).


1.     Name labels that you have worn that you used to define your self-worth?

2.     Tell how these labels affected your relationship with others and God.

3.     At what moment or event did you realize that these labels were not the “right fit” for you?


Identity 3 things you can begin doing to wear labels that fashion you according to the way God sees you.

Jesus said to them, “You are truly my disciples if you live as I tell you to, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32 TLB)


December Box

Faith: 6-day Fashion Devotional,

  • value of $11

  • BONUS ITEMS: Quarterly we upgrade our boxes and for the month of December, subscribers will get 2 items!

    • Must have Leopard print faux fur tuck-in scarf, value $15

    • Christmas crew socks, value $10

      • Each box contains 1 pair of socks, pictured are the different options.

  • Prayer Card to keep in your devotional or Bible.

  • Monthly coupon from both CW.

Introducing our new subscription Box!

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Designed & Curated For You To Get Out Of The Box

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