Dreams Far Beyond Google

Dreams Far Beyond Google: Dreams Far Beyond what you hope or imagine

Since the age of five years old, I had my mind set on becoming a doctor! When I entered college, I decided to get a degree in medicine and psychology. That is, until I realized that my dreams of becoming a doctor were much more challenging than expected! The plan b for my life was to become a nurse like my Mom! When I graduated in 2012, I could not be more proud to start applying to nursing schools! 

However, the old Yiddish proverb, “We plan, God laughs!”  Well, I am proof that the proverb is true!  As I sat in my second nursing entrance exam, again feeling completely blank and anxious about what I knew. That was the moment I realized once again, that was not my life plan. 

After a discussion with my family, I came to the realization that I was a great candidate for technology sales! I had nine successful years of technology sales where I lived up to my version of “success.” However, the downsides of this field far outweighed the “success.” I was stressed out quite a bit, and I was now facing my second layoff due to company restructuring. 

As I sat on my back porch at home, I capitulated why all of the challenges and obstacles I had faced, from college and onward, and great “planning” I thought I had done for my life, had led to failure. Then I had a lightbulb realization! Why was I trying to figure it all out when I have a loving father who already knows the plan for my life. Jeremiah 29:11 popped into my head, and so I read it. I then committed to doing every step that verse said! I began being intentional in my devotional time with Jesus, filling out every job application, and doing my best, to “let go, and let God.” 

By August 2019, I had an interview with my dream company, GOOGLE! Today I have made a career change, from sales to recruiting at Google! I have learned that God’s plans are much better than mine! I have gotten the opportunity to pray for my candidates and teammates, mentor, and make changes to improve Google! What I learned was that, when I give my dreams and plans to God, he does more than I could ever ask or imagine! My dreams went far beyond Google! 

1.     In Jeremiah 29:11, write down what God is saying to you. 

2.     What small changes can you make to create time for God to listen to his plans for your life?

3. Think through your life, where have you seen God working through you? Express gratitude to God for those times


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

(Jeremiah 29:11-13 NIV)

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