Out of my head and into God's heart.

The One Thing I Have Learned About Dreams

“Application denied…Sorry Ms. Johnson, you don't make enough…At this time we are unable to approve…” 

 If one more person gave me a “no” about finding a new home, I was literally going to break down into tears and beg them to say yes. Being a single mom living in an economy where pet rent is about the same as my car note,  home ownership seemed IMPOSSIBLE. Of course I prayed,  went to my friends and family for prayer and advice, and I even thought about  fasting (which personally is a HUGE sacrifice considering Chick-fil-a receives most of my income each month).  I wanted to move my daughter into a better living situation and I was finally making enough money to do so, but I kept hearing “no.” 

Even though I remembered what God had done for me in the past, my feelings and emotions seemed to block those memories, and so I gave up. I stopped praying. I stopped reminding God of His word. I allowed negative thoughts to accumulate in my head like a moldy tomato forgotten in the fridge. 

I woke up one morning and saw a Facebook post that said “Trust the Process.” Don't you just love it when God speaks even when we are throwing a fit?

Process... who likes to go through testing, uncertainty and blind faith? NOT me! But the dreams that God has placed in our heart sometimes require us to go through these uncomfortable seasons. The good news about it? Even during these crazy times His word reminds us that all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28). Sometimes it's things that God has allowed, other times it's our own thoughts, or our unresolved hurts.  Other times it’s just being plain human that slows down the journey that leads us to our heart's desires. 

If it wasn't for that facebook post piercing my heart, and the people around me pouring out love and lots of prayer that boosted my faith, I would not have been approved for my very own home. 

If I hadn't gotten out of my head and into God's heart then I would have not been typing this story in the house that God has blessed me with. God says all throughout the bible that He loves and cares for our hearts' desires. He allows those times of testing so that we can have our eyes open to exactly who He is. 

No matter what season of our journey we may be standing in, we can put our full confidence into God, knowing that He will always have our back with His love and protection. Please know that God has got you covered. If we hear “no,” we’re covered. If we feel anxious, we’re covered. If we get mocked because we are dreaming “too big,” we’re covered!  In Proverbs 3:5 it says, “Trust God with all of your heart and don't lean on your own understanding.” 

Our understanding sometimes can be painted over with the paint of life and blended in with the paintbrush of doubt. Leaning on Jesus’ words and holding on to His promises instead of our own, will make for a much brighter future. So now it is in my daily prayers that God gives me the mind and heart to trust Him with my dreams, my hopes, my desire and my future. Especially when I hear no.

  1. What are some areas in your life that you can trust God more in?

  2. What is the most recent dream/desire that God has given you?

  3. Has there ever been a time when you heard”no”, knowing that God has already told you yes?

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

    and do not lean on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5


And we know that for those who love God

 all things work together for good, 

for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

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