This is the Way My Brain Works

Let’s talk about our health.

Okay, I don’t want to ruffle any feathers, but . . . well, maybe I do so here it goes . . . I’m going to try my best to speak truth in love and not let my D from the DISC personality test take over too much.


We don’t just need the Holy Spirit—we also need doctors, health professionals, caretakers, healthy food, and exercise.

Whew, okay, I said it. Now, let me explain, or rather, think about this, because this is how my brain thinks, and it can get very “creative”! So bear with me.

Did you know that Luke, the one who wrote the books of Luke and Acts in the Bible, was a physician? So, I wonder how seriously he—as an apostle, doctor, and author of the Bible—took his health?

Also, did he already know about the verse in Hebrews that talks about running your race well? Well, according to the timeline, no, Hebrews had not been written yet at the time Luke was writing, but Hebrews and Luke were both written within the same general time frame, and according to the book of Acts, the two authors, Paul and Luke, did know each other.

I wonder if they talked about their health and how to have endurance. They both had to walk a lot and had big missions. Considering Paul’s analogy about running our spiritual race with endurance, was it because he and Luke the doctor understood they had to take care of themselves physically?

We may never know, and it might not be the most important question to ask when I get to heaven, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that a doctor is one of the major contributors of the Bible.

Why then does it sometimes feel like our physical health is not as important as our emotional and spiritual health?

Here at Created Woman two of our six pillars are healing and health. So what’s the difference? We explain it like this:

Healing = what only God can do for us.

Health = what we can do for ourselves. Bottom line, we are the one and only steward of our body.

This past year I turned forty-six, and my body over the past few years has gone a little crazy! After pursuing some input from doctors, I found out that my hormones were a mess! My theory is that I had a baby at thirty-eight and my body just freaked out.

Under the care of a doctor, I made some tweaks here and there with my nutrition and supplements, and I am feeling so much better—a lot like my old self actually.

As I spoke about this with friends, however, I realized each of us were coming into this awareness of hormones at the same time and wondered why no one had ever told us about this issue before! Was it a secret? Should I be ashamed?

Maybe I just didn’t listen, who knows. But it did get me thinking about how we often don’t hear a lot in our church circles about taking care of our physical health.

We pray for healing when we get sick, for sure, but what about being proactive to avoid sickness? Now, it should go without saying that there are sicknesses we cannot be proactive about, that we cannot prevent; it’s part of the fallen world we live in.

But we can be proactive about our endurance, the food we eat, and generally how to pursue good health. And yes, I do believe the Holy Spirit can guide us into the areas we need to focus on—He is our ever-present help, after all.

The past couple of years, health has been on my weekly prayer list for myself, and I have started to ask, especially as I get older, what area of my health should I focus on? Honestly, I believe that’s how I was able to get a handle on my hormones.

So, here’s my challenge to you as you read this devotional book. Add this prayer to your weekly prayer list:

Lord, what area of my health do you want me to focus on so that I can be a good steward of the one and only body you gave me?

With the Holy Spirit leading and you being active in pursuing your health by taking the steps where He leads you, my prayer for you is that you build even more endurance to run the race marked out before you.

He hasn’t told me once to run twenty miles on the treadmill, and for that I am thankful!





Heather Frierson


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