The One Thing I Have Learned About Dreams

The One Thing I Have Learned About Dreams

This is a big year.   My oldest daughter is graduating from High School and I am turning 50 years old.  I am not sure how this happened so quickly to her…or me. While sitting one morning thinking about these upcoming monumental events, I began to reflect over the past few weeks, months and years. What were the dreams and goals, and what has been accomplished?  As I read through past journals of written prayers with scriptures, dreams and goals, it was there I found this truth:  our journey of life is a process.  

Process! The word that I hated at one time, but have to come to understand and appreciate.   As I started to prepare for this devotional, I wanted to give this one inspiring statement and Bible Verse to encourage so many in pursuing their God given dreams, but I quickly remember there is not just one. As I scrolled through so many favorite passages, I see and remember the many things God has taught (and is teaching) me through this journey of pursuing Him and the dream of fulfilling His calling. 

You see, it is not the big check mark that the Lord desires, but the character He is building in us and who we are becoming along the way. His desire for us is to become more like Him. The purpose of our dreams is  to bring glory and honor to Him, not to be for the desires and success of this world. The dream is to direct others to Christ by living in His image with a servant's heart to others.   We are to be the image of Christ.

As I sat that morning continuing to reflect and looking back for that one scripture, I did not see just one Word.   I saw the brokenness, hurts, disappointments, victories, blessings, comfort and hope along the way.   I remembered how He changed my desires to be more directed toward what He wanted, not what I wanted. I reflected on how He molded and continues to mold me into His image. I felt peace remembering how He took care of me when I thought I was forgotten and how He did use me when I thought I was done.   It was and is all about the process.

It not only changed the nature of my dreams, but the definition of success as well.   I have learned that when we accept that God's desire is for us to be more Christ Like and to serve others as a reflection of Him, it becomes more and more clear how He wants to use us,  and the path we are to take.  

If your dream today focuses on how to bring others to Christ, don't give up.   Keep using the talents God has given you, and the experiences He has allowed you to face, for His glory.   Write them down, keep track and reflect on what God is allowing you to become in the process of pursing your God given dream.  Pour you heart out and trust Him at all times. 

1.     How has Christ molded you to be more like Him while pursuing your God given dream?

2.     What are you learning through the process that gives you comfort and peace to carry on?

3.     What can you do to remember God's goodness when you become frustrated, angry or disappointed? (journal, share with a friend, memorize scripture, commit to reading God word each day, etc.)

“Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge” (Psalms 32:8)

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