5 tools for happiness during the holidays

Holiday season is upon us. How did that happen so fast? Invitations to festivities are arriving, plans to be with friends and family are being made and happy times are being imagined by all … or are they?
Holiday season can bring with it a mixed bag of emotions. Yes, there is typically “one” in every family, company, event …  you name it …  who seems to ruin the good time. This holiday season I want to empower you to find your own personal happiness. No one can take your joy away from you. Only you can give it away.

Here are 5 tools to help you experience a happy holiday season



1. Choose to go where you are celebrated!: There are over 7 billion people on this earth. I bet there are at least 100,000 who would celebrate you if they only knew you! Make a list of the people who boost your spirit when you are around them. Choose to spend time with those people and stay open to meet other amazing folks who will celebrate you too. Don’t get caught in the negative energy of those who complain, blame, and see through bitter lenses. Stay around upbeat people and you will experience more happiness yourself.

2. Set clear boundaries: Are you heading into a situation that you know may be a little sticky? Set a time boundary. Sometimes it is important to attend functions even if we aren’t exactly thrilled to go. Take care of yourself. Set a simple boundary of how long you can stay and then politely excuse yourself. You are responsible for your own well being. Take care of yourself as you would your best friend. Give yourself permission to do what makes you happy this holiday season!

3. Stay in the present moment: Looking back at holiday time can be a beautiful time of reminiscing. However, pay attention! When we are driving down the road, an occasional glance into the rear view mirror is a good thing, but what happens if you stare into that rear view mirror? You are going to crash! To experience the most joy this holiday season, enjoy each moment for the good that it contains. Don’t stare into the past. Glance backward at the beautiful moments and glance forward to the hope that is ahead of you, but stay in the present moment! This is where the peace is.

4. Brush up on your networking skills: Holiday season can bring new situations that feel rather awkward.  Brush up on your skills. Learn to introduce yourself appropriately and how to break into groups when networking. Invest in yourself and not just everyone else. Confidence brings great joy and a feeling of self-satisfaction. Take steps to boost your confidence and learn to mingle like a pro. Check out the free resources on my website, or contact me with a question. I am happy to help! 

5. Focus on bringing joy to others: When I was going through a particularly difficult holiday season, I decided to reach out to a cause my local church was involved in. It was not easy. I felt like I was dying inside, but I must admit, happiness came from reaching out to others even though I was experiencing great emotional pain. It helped me to get outside of myself and my own troubles. What you make happen for others will come back to you, so this Holiday season, spread a little joy to others and watch the magic happen in you!

Click below for another “Tool To Win”.

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 Visit my webpageat www.jangossinternational.com  or email me atjan@jangossinternational.com . I would love to hear from you!

Was this helpful for you? Do you know someone who could benefit from these Tools to Win? Pass this information along and make their day!
Sending you many blessings this holiday season,

[title subtitle="Guest Contributor: Jan Goss-Gibson"][/title]

janJan Goss is one of those people you do not soon forget. She is a woman on a mission; a positive charge in a negative world, an agent of change. She has written numerous programs to help others live life to the fullest in their personal and professional lives. Tireless in pursuing avenues to communicate, she is also an accomplished singer / songwriter and award winning motivational speaker. Jan is a published author of two books, She Scriptures™, released in fall 2008 and her second book, Protocol Power, 21 Days to Professional Polish released in July 2010. She is a featured columnist and expert for various publications and is highly regarded for her First Impression Management and Business Etiquette expertise. Jan also blazed a trail as a consultant in the luxury real estate community in Austin, Texas for 13 years.

Born in Munich Germany, Jan was the daughter of a military officer. She and her four siblings traveled extensively in her early life (21 moves in 18 years!). As a result, a passion for people of all cultural and ethnic backgrounds was born.

Executives, client facing professionals, and those in the public eye benefit greatly from Jan’s services. She is an expert in her field and provides a plethora of services for personal and professional growth.

Jan Goss founded the Austin School of Protocol, LLC in July 2007 and launched Civility Consulting in January 2011. She has been named America’s #1 Master Confidence Strategist. Jan studied International Business at American Intercontinental University and is a graduate of the Protocol School of Washington in Washington, D.C.

Jan resides in beautiful Austin, Texas with her husband, Richard Gibson.