God is Good All The Time


“So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

1 Corinthians 10:31 [NIV]


When God created the world, He chose man to be made in His image, not animals, nature, or anything else. Now, just meditate on that for a moment. I mean there is no greater honor on creation than for humankind to be modeled after the one and only true God. So why did God create us in this special and unique way? It’s because we were created to glorify Him.

God needs us to glorify Him? No, He was glorious before creation and will always be glorious alone. I believe what the Bible means is that we are a display of His glory. Our actions should reflect that God is good, all the time. It does seem like an impossible standard to live by, but thankfully we have Christ to show us how.

Jesus’ life was neither peaceful nor comfortable. Yet, He displayed God’s glory in all that he did by the way He lived, spoke, and treated everyone. His life left a glorious imprint on many in His path. Many who encountered Christ became changed beings; from being broken hearted to becoming restored. A restored heart is a beautiful display of God’s glory!

Do we have what it takes to live like Christ? Yes.

  • First, we must believe that God is good, all the time. It’s tempting to believe that God’s glory doesn't exist when life gets hard. However, we can’t tell others about His goodness if we don’t believe it ourselves. We can have victory over any unbelief we have by reading His Word daily.  His words are a constant reminder to us that He is good all the time.
  • We must experience His glory. God’s greatest commandment is to love Him with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind.  As we grow in obedience to this commandment so does our love towards God.  This is how we experience God’s glory. Then are we able to see and recognize what was always in front of us, that God’s goodness never leaves or forsakes us.
  • We share God’s goodness to others. It’s impossible for me to keep anything good to myself, especially with something trivial as a good bargain at a store. If I can bless someone to save a few dollars on something then I believe I’ve done something nice or good. However, it's a more meaningful blessing to others when my life glorifies God through all seasons of my life like the good, the bad, and the ugly. 


Lord, you are worthy to be praised in our lives, all the time.  Remind us of your constant glory in our lives when we are blind to see it.  Thank you for creating us in your image, and allowing us the privilege to be your vessel of faith, hope, and love to others.  We love you.  Amen. 


  • Is my prayer life more about requests or reflection on Him?
  • Does my life point others to God?
  • Do I seek opportunities to share God’s goodness with others? If not, how can I?


“Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” Psalm 115:1 [NIV]

“This to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8 [NIV]